Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rebuilding on Higher Ground

As you traverse life, you encounter various challenges that help direct the focus of your journey. It is the choices you make when given these opportunities for growth that determine the level of your advancement. If, for instance, you choose the route that might be deemed easier, because it offers fewer challenges, it might give you fewer opportunities for growth and achievement. If, on the other hand, the route you choose seems more challenging, does it take you in areas of higher spiritual understanding or is it merely filled with pitfalls and opportunities for ensnarement? These are both valid paths and can lead to growth and understanding if you are able to apply the lessons learned and not slip into the chasm of fear and retribution.

As you traverse this time where lessons and opportunities abound, it is wise to cloak yourself in the armor of inner Knowing. By examining each of these opportunities for growth and understanding in the Light of inner Knowing and feeling the energetic imprint of it as you weigh it on a scale of Higher Good, you will Know whether it is “right” road to take at this time. Higher good might be hard to understand for you only have a limited focus, given your limited scope and understanding.

Something that may seem like a “disaster” to some less globally aware, may be exactly what is needed to clear the slate and begin again on higher ground. It frequently takes such a wake-up call to jar awareness into a higher mode of understanding. What some might term “disasters” are shifts on a grand scale that help us to delve deeper and reconstruct the underpinnings of thought patterns and assumptions upon which societies are built. There is a jarring into awareness and a call to reassess what is really important and what is merely window dressing in the school of life.

With restructuring of society comes the imperative to build better, given our new levels of understanding. What have we learned from past “mistakes” that give us a clearer awareness about cause and affect? Given this new opportunity to rebuild the lives we have been afforded, what are the “keepers” that we take with us and what are worn-out vestiges of the past that are no longer relevant to the current situation. In sifting through the rubble of past achievements, what represents the new you wish to build upon and what has served its purpose in understanding and needs to be left behind? While knowledge is never lost, which books need to be put back on the shelf and which need to remain open for they represent the new direction you are pursuing in your new life?

As rebuilding begins you will notice the freedom you have to choose only the things to furnish your life that reflect the new reality you are creating. How important is it to choose only the things that reflect this new image that is being created? It is not merely a process of recreating the old, but choosing anew the things that are important in life and not merely cluttering the space with vestiges of past achievements and “failures”. What do you choose to take with you in your new life, and what have served their purpose and are to be left behind?

If the only obligation you had were to be your most authentic self, what would that look like? Who might you take along for the ride of this lifetime? Who do you choose to surround yourself with that uplift and empower you to be your best, most authentic self? This is your opportunity to reinvent yourself into this new image. Those who would pull you down and try to make you into something that serves their illusions and not your higher purpose should be reexamined for their relevance in the new world of your creation. If there is not honesty and common vision between you, what purpose is being served by the association? Time to restructure relationships as well as environments in order to rebuild your world.

Though the time of rebuilding is challenging, it is only because we try to hold on to lessons of our past. It is the attitudes that we bring to our situations that allow us to look at life as a burden or an opportunity. As you emerge from the rubble of disaster into a new world of possibilities, this is your opportunity to reach higher and grow stronger in the fresh air of possibilities. A new world is calling for you to rebuild on higher ground and create the new earth of tomorrow. What this will look like is only limited by your desire and imagination. What do you wish your world to look like? Make it so through your intentions and efforts. Allow the past to become dust under your feet on the road to a brighter future. It is so…


Monday, April 25, 2011


Feeling you are in the world but not necessarily part of it will be an increasingly common experience in the coming months if you have begun to transition into the new energies. You will be more comfortable with this if you begin to surround yourself with those who share a similar vibratory frequency. As more and more adjust their attitudes and awareness, it will feel less and less as if you are swimming upstream against the tide of awareness. But for now, this is the venue in which you have chosen to travel.

As for how you might position yourself in order to not only survive, but thrive in this transition space, we might suggest that it will be important to develop a cloak of inner knowing. As you step back and observe the dramas swirling around you as others resist and flail against situations they cannot understand, it will serve you well to instead of becoming caught up in their drama, to become the fly on the wall and just observe. Perhaps your role at this time is to be the voice of assurance that all of this is indeed perfect, even though the rational mind senses that it is different.

The sea legs you require in order to weather the storm is an inner awareness that you have arranged these lessons on a soul level and this turbulence is all part of the ascent into higher, calmer air currents. As long as you keep your seat belts fastened and merely observe the transition that is occurring, you will not be injured and will arrive at your destination, unscathed, wide awake and refreshed.

The calm before the storm has passed. You are in the midst of much turbulence and transition. Those who fear for the worse will undoubtedly have that experience. This is a time for surrender, and allowing the new forms to manifest. The stronger you grasp to the world that was, the more you will be tethered to that sinking ship. This is a time of turbulence but also possibilities. Somewhere in the freefall you will realize that you indeed have a parachute that will bring you safely to a new environment. A soft landing on new shores is undoubtedly the new reality you have been praying for.

Allow the currents to push you gently to the Promised Land without struggle and you will be able to observe the magnificence of the new life that awaits. Though you may not recognize the possibilities at first, they are endless. The others that are drifting with the currents and joining you will all be those who have been willing to jump out of the plane as well and will have a similar Knowing and awareness. How rarefied will be your experience when all around you carry the same vibration and understanding and are aligned with clarity and purpose… This is the promise of the new reality.

As for what you must DO to create this higher vision we might suggest that it merely requires a commitment to BE in the higher frequency. This is an inner journey that will be reflected in the outer. It will be something akin to waking from a nap and finding that the scenery around you has transformed in the interim. Your “job” is to continue to adjust your attitudes and awareness to bring your vibration to the frequency of Love. That is the ticket for the journey. All else is part of the illusion.

The buoyancy of your ride is totally within your control, dependent upon the attitudes you choose to experience life. Since the true freedom you have in life is your choice of attitude you express, how do you intend to regard the things in your environment that you might previously have thought to be “good” or “bad”? If all are merely lessons in the expression of Love, how does this alter the world you live in and your reactions to it? Try on for size the clothes of Loving experience and you will be able to move freely through this life and the next, not oblivious to the dramas that surround you, but unfettered because you see a higher pattern unfolding and are firmly committed to the vision of Love.

This is the mindset that will be the wind beneath your wings to the new reality. It is happening and the winds are shifting into a new time and space. Your gentleness to ride these winds in grace is totally under the control of your perceptions and how you choose to appreciate the changes in your life. The more you cling on to the fear-based perceptions, the more you are creating that scenario. Flying free is merely a matter of discarding the fears and dramas that you allow to limit your life of possibilities.

Soar on…