Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Countdown Begins

As you have gathered, this is the beginning of the countdown to the ascension. While there are those that will not “get it”, nevertheless those such as yourself are hearing and taking heed of the call. Now what does this mean in “practical terms”? We have a few suggestions to make…
Now is the time to clean up any loose ends in your transformational process. If there are those that require forgiving, this is imperative. Things that require healing – begin the process. Attitudes that require adjusting – begin the process. In other words, the countdown has begun and the gates are closing on the first wave of ascension.

If you have any unfinished business in the material world that requires completing we might suggest that this is the time to do that. Any excess baggage that you do not wish your descendents to deal with – time to jettison. It requires a cleaning out of closets and removing obstacles on an emotional as well as physical level. It is a preparation for a journey to the stars from which you may not return.

As for what this will mean for those left behind… All souls are works in progress. There are those that do not “get it” yet, despite the “writing on the wall”. They will have opportunities to make up the lessons skipped, if not in this lifetime, in subsequent ones. The example you have set through your words and deeds, but more so through your Loving presence, have planted many seeds for others to harvest. Yours is far from a life in vain, but rather as a way shower for higher consciousness. You have done well and now it is time to move on.

These remaining months should be spent in preparation. First in unloading the clutter and excess in your life. Time to offload the things that no longer serve you in the present for that is all that is. Your journey has been one of growth and understanding. It is now time to take that to the next level. Sharing the fruits of your labors with those who are starving is a noble venture. You are well served to find ways of making this available to those in need. In other words, time to begin letting go.

Those who you have chosen to share this life with are cleaning house also. This is a time of disengaging from the physical and moving into a place of peace and understanding. There are those that “get it” and those that are too strongly attached to the ego. As we said this is a time of regrouping into those who are ready to catch the first wave and those who are choosing to stay on and learn more. Your choice is evident and so it behooves you to clean up the loose ends. Time is mutable and there are no “dates” set in stone. The six months time frame you have deduced is only the perceived at this time. You may see this adjusting, depending on conditions and decisions made by other souls but that is what we are projecting now. You will continue to receive updates as time goes on. We are merely giving you a “heads up” as to the process that is underway.

As for what this will look like…we might say that this will not be a painful process but an instantaneous transformation into light energy. It will be on a subtle energetic level that will involve a physical transformation of form into the frequency of Light. It will seem as an energetic burst of light in which the denseness of the physical is transformed into a light frequency that is no longer visible to the human eye. You are experiencing many situations where the forms of yourself and those around you seem to disappear on occasion and reappear spontaneously. These are merely trial runs in preparation for the “real thing”. The Lighter you become by raising your vibratory frequency and detaching from the dramas in your life, the easier the transition will become.

You can assist those around you by helping them to shed the denseness of their world as well. The more one attunes to the frequency of Love, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness, the easier will become the transition. We will have more suggestions as time goes on but this is the timeline we are projecting for now. Rest assured that this is a time of great Love becoming manifest and coming into form. The call has gone out and those who hear are being gathered for a Homecoming of untold proportions. All is not only well but ordained on the highest levels. Namaste…

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


The tests that you go through on a daily basis are ones your soul has created to monitor your progress in completing the coursework you have selected. You may think these are random act of occurrence, however they are directly related to the experiences you require for your level of understanding. Checking that something is in one’s highest and best good when there is any question about the assignment makes sure you are indeed following the curriculum at hand and are not thrown off course by the seemingly random occurrences in your life.

We would like to discuss a little today about the so-called random events in your life. When you open yourself up to receiving new experiences and to sharing the venue of experience with others, you open yourself up also to taking on their lessons as well. When you are in a solitary path of experience, your most important lessons are ones of personal growth and understanding. When you agree on a conscious level to share your experiences with another, you allow the boundaries to merge and to accept responsibility as a mirror to help grow and heal in tandem with this partner. It is in sharing of insights and in bringing to light unhealed parts of the personalities that you frequently experience the most growth and understanding.

Now do not look at this as a restrictive time for personal growth. Quite the opposite. When you are able to see yourself reflected in the eyes of your partner, you frequently are able to see the gaps in your own personae that have been longing to be filled. We frequently choose for partners those who we feel best express the soul qualities that we are lacking and longing to express. By merging with another both physically and emotionally, we are trying on the experience and seeing if it feels right. As we become more in tune with this new vibration, we may feel that we have received all of the nourishment we require of this association and move on to other forms of experience, either in tandem or apart. In this way we become teachers to the others of our association in the journey of life.

Now all relationships are not necessarily based on the needs for healing the personality. Many higher dimensional experiences involve the mutual sharing and uplifting of the partners. It is one thing to shoulder your own burdens but it is even more powerful when you combine your efforts to address and offer insights to your partner. This sharing of emotional and psychological insights and awareness can be a key to opening a door of understanding for both parties. By allowing the uncensored, free flow of ideas and impressions between each other, there is a common vision that is forming that creates a platform for both to move higher into understanding.

In order to gain the most from our partnerships, it might be helpful to understand the dynamics involved. First, is there a balance of power that is being shared equally? Now this is not to say that all situations will be equal for at times one is more needy and at other times it will be the other. What we are inferring, is that both take turns in addressing the illusions in the life of the other and in helping them to see more clearly the options at hand. There is no imbalance of power that is perpetuated by one partner over the other. Both share the positions of givers and receivers of energy in a supportive, Loving way.

In the dynamics of relationships, there is always ones who are the teachers and those who are the students. If this continues to be lopsided, and not an alternated process, there will eventually be a day when the student receives all they can from the teacher and must move on to a new experience. If there is not a mutuality of exchange, it becomes an exercise of a parasitic nature that fails to fulfill the potential of support, and growth of each other.

For a partnership to be self-sustaining, there must be an energy exchange that derives from an influx beyond its borders that is brought together for mutual exploration rather than one feeding parasitically off the other. When one uses another for their substance exclusively, one fails to hold up their part of the bargain to bring their own energy into the process and soon the process will be exhausted. Be willing to act as a conduit for information, understanding and expression from beyond the borders of your relationship and to use this to fire the flames of inspiration between you and you will serve not only the growth of each other but elevate the relationship to a higher vehicle of Loving expression.

When you understand that relationships are lessons in Love being demonstrated in the schoolroom of life, you begin to realize the importance of mastering each Loving nuance of life. How can you best express Love to the partners in experience and help them to grow in Loving understanding as well? The most Loving experience may not always be what they want as directed by their ego but that which serves the higher purpose of their soul. True love comes from what is highest and best for all concerned, no matter what the personal consequences. The courage to stand up to your partner and reflect to them the truth of their actions is a brave and true but very Loving stance that may or may not be understood by the recipient, depending on their illusionary state.

Being willing to Lovingly hold the reflection until the other is willing to recognize themselves is a thankless but Loving service we provide each other in the Journey of life. Tough Love is seldom appreciated at the time, but in reflection can be a mighty bond when the other finally realized that you truly had their highest and best interests at heart. Are you willing to stand fast in Loving kindness and do what you know to be in your partner’s best interest? If not, perhaps this is a lesson for you in self awareness and insecurity of your own needs that are not being met in Loving ways.

As we said, we are all mirrors for our Loving partners and it is in the schoolroom of our relationships that we have the greatest lessons of experience. Do you wish to sign up for this graduate course in human relations or will you take the easier route of solitary experience with only your own council to explore? The choice is yours an in doing so you define the parameters of your experience.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Restoring Balance

The key to understanding lies in one’s ability to accept the principle of Loving awareness and to apply it in one’s life. It is just that simple. If you were to examine all your relationships and interactions and determine where Love was lacking and remedy the situation, you would find that all imbalances would become moot. Now how you recognize what is Loving and what is not is certainly up to your comprehension of the principle Love expressed but that is the general idea.

If you can look at each interaction in your life and see the difference in interacting in a totally Loving, accepting way and behaving in ways that demonstrate an underlying belief of lack, selfishness, jealousy, anger or other illusionary states that do not reflect an awareness of the oneness of creation you will begin to see how the filters of your attitudes and misconceptions are preventing your accepting and embracing the lesson of Love. This is when one begins to find the source of imbalance.

So you are beginning to realize the things that may not have been expressed or demonstrated in a Loving way – how do you go about turning around these thought patterns and expressions in order to redirect the course of your life? We might suggest that after awareness must come a desire to take a different route. It is the “buts” that prevent us from acting in ways that serve our higher soul purpose... Surrender means letting go of the “buts” that tie us to our past vision of reality and prevent our moving into a new level of awareness. As we let go of the tethers in our life that have prevented us from moving past the holds of the ego, we begin to feel the grace of God’s Love shining and elevating us into the magnificence of higher expressions of Love. Dropping our weights of fear we are able to Know at a higher level the freedom to be felt in embracing the magnificence of unconditional Love.

Anger is another impediment in the emotional body that prevents the free-flow of energy. Rather than allowing the mental body to process rational responses to some “injustice” the emotions are allowed to flow freely without mental clarity. These are just a few of the examples of misdirected energy that eventually finds its way into the physical body, often manifesting in dis-ease.

Acceptance can be the door that we open that allows the free flow of experience. Unless one is open to the energetic possibilities, there will be little chance for the energy of Forgiveness to find resonance. The emotional body must be receptive to the energy of Loving response if resonance is to take place. Unless the shields come down, there is little chance for the energetic balancing of Forgiveness to find resonance. When we Forgive ourselves for being part of the process of growth and understanding which inflicted pain on another as well as ourselves, we begin the process of restoring ourselves to wholeness and repairing all of the cracks that prevent the corrosive nature of misunderstanding to permeate our lives.

So these are the possibilities…How does one begin to the journey when you feel shackled to the present? We might suggest that it all starts with Love of the person you are. What do you do in your relationship with others that demonstrates the Love and acceptance of self that you then reflect to them? How do you honor and respect yourself that demonstrates your magnificence? How do you treat your “imperfections” Lovingly and find ways of moving past the feeling of inadequacy into blessing the opportunity for growth? Until you are totally accepting and Loving to yourself you will find it difficult to reflect this awareness to others.

How do you honor yourself with the gift of exercising the mind, body and spirit? Do you devote time each day to reconnecting with your Source through meditation and prayer? What do you listen to that provides guidance and balance in your life? Do the sounds of a delusional environment permeate your environment leaving little room for the still small voice within? Can you begin to shift priorities so that you can balance your need to find inner wisdom rather than being mesmerized by the external diversions of an illusionary society?

I AM Metatron