Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Health and Healing

The subject of health has many definitions and ramifications. There is physical health which many think of as absence of dis-ease but that is only the tip of the iceberg.  The far greater barometer of Health is the energetic vibration that results in not only the physical vibrancy but balance of the mental, emotional and spiritual components as well.
You are a reflection of how well you are in tune and in sync with your soul’s mandate and how this is manifesting in your life.  If things are not harmonious in your physical body, there is every indication that there is an imbalance in the other aspects of your being.

So how does one go about bringing your countenance back into balance? We might suggest that an inventory be taken of ideas, attitudes, symptoms and pain. Upon reflection, what seems out of balance or incongruent with the “self” you believe yourself to be? Where is pain showing up in the physical, emotional, mental or physical bodies? What is gained by retaining the status quo and what is to be sacrificed? This should give you an idea of where you might wish to begin to deal with the issues in your life if you are completely honest with yourself.  Realize that this is probably only the symptoms that will lead to the deeply buried roots of the situation. But it is where you will begin.

Deeply ingrained imbalances may have lifetimes of growth and are unlikely to be resolved instantaneously unless the seeker is highly honest with him/her self and highly motivated.  Pain can be a great motivator and if the pain becomes intolerable or the vision of perfection very real, shackles can be shed in the moment and healing take place.

So if health is a high vibratory state, it stands to reason that in order to affect healing at a core level, there must be a shift and transformation of the energetic template. Easier said than done – or is it.  The whole field of vibratory medicine is built on the assumption that restoration of the energetic template carried in the etheric body will result in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies coming into resonance with this template.  As many as there are souls in transition, is how many “cures” there are for the process.  All will not respond to the same “fix” because all are not “broken” in the same way. The constraints we put on ourselves with our limited thought processes and our “self- protective” beliefs limit our healthy responses in dramatic ways.

 If fear were no longer a component in “treatment” of the “sick” there would be little to be accomplished by healthcare providers.  If healing is applying Love to the parts of us that are in pain, then the creation of a state of health should be obvious.  Unfortunately fear puts up a significant smokescreen that obscures this essential truth which is why we are dis-eased.

So how does one begin to regain health and balance in life? After the process of identifying the pains in your life, you might wish to look to the areas in which they occur. Since we are an energetic template, if there is a constriction in any of the energy fields (chakras) there is likely to be a malfunction that is reflected in the corresponding area of the physical body.  Malfunctions in the endocrine glands associated with each of the chakras can result in corresponding physical imbalances. Many times injury corresponds to weakness in the physical body due to lack of energy in that chakra as well. By applying Love and understanding to the area of concern, health of the entire energetic system can be restored and healing is said to take place.

The use of mental and spiritual tools for healing as well as the application of energetic balancers such as flower and gem essences, aromatherapy, sound, light, color, REIKI are all ways of altering the energetic grid that is part of your auric field and thus stimulating healing and restoration of Health.  Any of these tools may be effective if the bodies are receptive to the healing energy.

While intentions may be “good” the soul is the governor of the experience and will determine whether the physical healing is beneficial or a lesson in experience necessary for balancing of the karmic scale. Do not hold the mirror of your limited understanding up to the presence of “disease” for there is far more to the situation than meets the eye.  Instead, how about holding the experiencer of the challenges in the Light of Love and Compassion so that the highest and best outcome for soul growth can be achieved. This is the enlightened, Christed response and the one to restore health and balance to the world…Namaste 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012


You are entering a time of discernment when you are assaulted with conflicting theories, opinions and opportunities on every corner. Which fork in the road you take will depend on your ability to see past the inconsistencies in the presentation and to make choices based not on the emotion which is usually a choice of the personality, but your inner Knowing of the Truth of a situation. Truth can be illusive at best when those portending it are caught in the illusionary paths of their journey. They may think that they are operating in Truth but it is in fact the limited viewpoint they have of the mosaic of life. What they are seeing is only part of the greater vision of humanity.

As we have said, Truth is relative only to the scope and vision of the experiencer. A limited field of vision sees what is true from that perspective. Your truth will expand as you begin to see things not in the narrow context of your personal vision but how this fits into the evolving experience of many universes. What may seem good for you personally may not be beneficial to the whole organism of life. It is a question of relativity.

So how do you go about discerning what is in the highest and best good of all concerned? You may first wish to ask just that question. Now for some there is too strong an attachment to the wants of the personality to form an honest conclusion. When you have your thumb on the scales of justice and are subconsciously rooting for one position or another, it is quite easy to sway the energies into a false reading.

Now this is not to say that you should not have strong opinions about the situations in your life. Passion is indeed the fuel that fires the journey of life. What we are suggesting is that you become clear about the things in your life that are worthy of igniting with passion. Under close examination from an objective point of view, which continue to hold their glitter when viewed from all perspectives of examination? Which are decidedly lopsided when it comes to serving some aspect of higher good at the expense of others?

Now this is not to say that this is a pleasant result for all concerned. Some times it requires that the bottom fall out of one’s experiences in order for them to see the ledge they must climb onto to move forward. What may be obvious to some may be obscured to others given their level of spiritual vision and attainment. Frequently it takes this devastation of the status quo in order to reform one’s reality into a new way that honors the purest form of truth.

Truth can be blinding to some. If Truth requires that you step out onto the space of the unknown, many would prefer to remain trapped in the caves of ignorance rather than create this new reality. For many they would as soon perish to try again rather than move beyond their own inertia of the present.

That is where humanity is finding itself at this crossroads. The new energies are calling us to evolve or perish. How we frame the evolution of our lives is the question that many are facing. To what greater Truth do you wish to hitch your wagon? There are many trains that offer new possibilities for expansion. The question for many is the depth of their commitment to move beyond the structures of the past and try to reform them from within or to abandon these failed premises entirely in favor of beginning afresh to create the temples of wisdom of the future.

Your discernment is required in order to see past the inconsistencies in what is said and what is True? Which choices have the highest vibration of integrity and which are mere holographic images of past experiences gone wrong that are masquerading as new ideas? It is a time of discernment but also a time of opportunity for moving out of the darkness of the past into the new possibilities of a brighter future. It is time…

I AM Metatron