Monday, April 23, 2012


When one speaks of mortality, one in the earthly realms is usually speaking of the process of transition in and out of form incarnate in the physical plane.  In fact, the soul is immortal which means that there are no such barriers to be crossed between “living” and “dead”. As to how this plays out in the realm of growth and understanding, we have a few suggestions and observations…

First, to be alive, in form, in the physical world is merely a passage one goes through in order to demonstrate the understanding and process of growth and awareness. It is a limited tour of duty with known beginnings and ends which is played out in the theatre of form. As to the script that is to be followed, there are themes and requirements but the action is under the direction of the ego, which is in many cases the stage manager and director. This is a struggle, whenever one decides to go off script and deviate from the original intent. This can become a positive experience, rather than a negative one, if one is able to screen out the noise of the third-dimensional illusion and reach higher for direction and purpose. When this is done, it is usually the soul that has the ear of the “player” and a new direction that is being undertaken.

That is what is being requested of you right now. Your mortal body is in transition, ever homeward and you are finding more and more reasons to deviate from the path your ego placed you on long ago.  Things have changed and you have grown wiser and more introspective as you step into your maturity. What was once a foregone conclusion about direction is being called into question as the balloons of achievement deflate in the light of awareness.  Time to chart a new course…

As to what route you might wish to take, we might suggest a little soul searching. Given all of the choices you have made in your life, what have been the most rewarding and personally fulfilling because they nourished a part of you that touched your soul? What prevented you from pursuing this road of endeavor? What circumstances have changed that might allow that or something greater to redirect the path of your life? What supporting players are now on the stage that allow you to flow in new directions with those of similar beliefs and motivations? How have the challenges you have overcome in your life prepared you to take on this greater challenge of bringing forth your soul purpose? What remaining pieces do you need to materialize in order to fully open this door of possibilities? These are some of the pieces that need be brought into focus before beginning a new venture in life.

As we have said before, this is not your father’s world and not likely to look like much that has transformed before. We do not mean just in a technological sense which will increase the mechanics of manifestation, but there has been a monumental shift in attitudes and motivations.  More and more are going to the well of success and finding the water polluted. More and more are looking within their own lives and seeing what is merely a house of cards.

With little to sustain and support it and what has true meaning and purpose? The life you live in this incarnation is reflective of the journey you have embarked on and how you have chosen to take the raw materials and mold them into either a thing or worth and beauty or a shell of little substance or value. All have the opportunity to move past the limitations of their challenges and through their perceptions and motivations, choose a path of transcendence into a lighter reality.

As you consider your mortal journey, we urge you to look deeper and begin to find avenues of interjecting the things that give you joy into the process. The more things in life you find joyful, the easier it will be to seed this divine attribute and to manifest the life your soul is guiding you toward. Joy might be thought of as the breadcrumb trail of the divine, ever leading you Home. Come Home…


Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Spring is a time of rebirth - rebirth of the earth, but also a rebirth of the awareness within that has been slumbering through a winter of gestation. To everything there is a season and the advent of spring is a time to plant new inspirations so that they may begin to mature in the fertile fields of your lives. We might ask what ideas and inspirations have been lying dormant waiting for the proper time and nourishment to begin to flourish? What do you hold dear as a vision of future possibilities that has been waiting for favorable conditions to send out roots? What have you secretly longed to add to your garden of possibilities that is calling to be brought into your life?  Now is the time to begin to manifest these realities.

The time is at hand to begin to plan your garden in cooperation with the others that are arriving to assist in the endeavor. More and more are finding resonance with the vision that is emerging. How can you redefine your personal space to accommodate the new? Is it necessary to remove all of the old perennial favorites to make way for a totally new vision or is it merely a process of weeding, cultivating, and adding a few enhancements? Gardening in the metaphor of life is a constant process of culling, weeding and replanting in order for growth to continue.

Spring is also a time of refreshment and emergence.  As we shed the protective clothing of the cold and feel the warm, inviting breezes on our face, what new visions of possibilities are brought to mind for enjoyment? Do not forget the Joy, for this is a subtle reminder that something is in divine order and in resonance with your soul purpose. It is also wise to be able to differentiate between mere excitement which is a manifestation of the ego and true Joy which is connected to our divine nature. Things that bring true Joy connect with a deeper knowledge and awareness and find resonance with the heart of Love.  All else is the illusion of momentary bliss that fades quickly in the bright light of summer. Dig deeper and you will not be misled.

And what of the rains that help us grow in awareness and compassion. Without the challenges in life, would there be encouragement to climb to higher ground? These nudges from our soul are opportunities for growth and awareness that should not be avoided but welcomed for what they are as stepping stones through the path of life that is leading us home.  Allow the cleansing and refreshment of the rain in your life to wash away the debris and inspire new thoughts and facilitate growth.

In donning a lighter, brighter wardrobe, one is symbolically casting aside the more confining and protective raiment of past journeys. It is a time for shedding the old and stepping into a whole new outlook of possibilities. If all of the past were wiped away in an instant, what would you cloth your life with that reflects the new you that is emerging? If each new day begins a whole new possibility for rebirth in a bright new world of experience, how do you wish to reflect this in the world of form? How do you wish this to be fashioned to facilitate the new you?

And, we might ask, who is standing beside you to assist in this process? Is this to be a solo venture as you retool for the life ahead or have you emerged from the cocoon of gestation, ready to engage with others? For everything there is a season and both the solitude and interaction are valuable periods for both experiencing the dance and contemplating its significance. In the ebb and flow of relationships, one finds not only fulfillment but opportunities to mirror life lessons to each other. It is in this mirroring that the face of Love emerges and inspires us to reach higher and deeper in our own search to BE Love. Ah Spring…