Tuesday, June 26, 2012

All Aboard

As you navigate the ebbs and flows of life it might be beneficial to look ahead as to what you wish to achieve in your journey.  Now we do not necessary mean what “things” you wish to have in your life or circumstances but what do you wish to accomplish in this incarnation.  What lessons did you come here to learn and how is that going for you? What attitudes need transforming to bring you into alignment with the divine blueprint? What is preventing you from being the Loving participant in the dance of life? It is the subtle wrapping up of the soul contracts that are calling to you as this final bell is ringing.

If you are boarding the ship for the return passage, what do you Know you have not accomplished that might help complete your earth contract? What relationships continue to leak and require re-bandaging in order to allow deeper healing? Do others require trimming of frayed edges so that both can move forward, Lovingly complete? Is there anyone you have failed to express the depth of your feelings and give a salutation of Loving best wishes so that they are able to continue their own journey in peace? All of the loose ends in life will require smoothing and completing if you are to continue unfettered by past associations.

As you board the carrier to the new reality it might be well to bless those who have been way-showers on the journey Home.  Who has inspired you to take the higher passage?  Who has demonstrated the life you wish to emulate and been a true reflection of the kind of Loving awareness you wish to claim for your own?  Who seems to radiate without words the Christ Light from deep within their being? Namaste for allowing me to be one with your vision and your Light that ever beckons me forward on a sometimes rocky path.

Once aboard what provisions have you brought to share? How have the struggles of the past distorted your image of what is “necessary” to sustain life. Is the baggage you have packed full of things or momentous recalling past experiences and lessons, reminders to stay on a prescribed path, and guidepost to look for or have you mastered those things? If you come free from the baggage of a life lived in conscious awareness, you may proceed to the upper decks. This is a baggage-free zone. Freedom is knowing that you are complete from within and can go wherever you are drawn in order to continue your journey.

Perhaps this is still a work in process. Perhaps you still have some reluctance to leave behind all the fears and trepidations about facing the unknown of a new world. Perhaps you are not ready… We might suggest that this is the time to examine everything you are attempting to carry aboard to see if it is seaworthy. The ship is surrounded by the abandoned baggage of souls who found that the things they once considered important in their lives are no longer so. Consider tossing overboard what no longer serves your growth and understanding. Only then will you be able to fit through the narrow passage to the upper decks.

This is a time of excitement made manifest in anticipation of the new world that is foretold. How you show up in your life right now and the choices you make will determine whether you are able to embark on the maiden voyage into peaceful waters. Dragging aboard too much baggage may hamper your ascent. Get clear and free and you will have little trouble navigating the upward passage.  All aboard…


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Get Real

In the event of a major disruption in the world as you know it, what would you draw to you as the things you consider most dear? Would it be the people who Love and support you? Would it be those who challenge you most but you hang on to because of misplaced loyalty, obligation, or fear of reprisal? (Of course, these may be your greatest teachers that are facilitating your growth on some level) Would it be the trinkets that you have lusted after that once acquired lose their allure? What in this world has lasting fascination and attraction that draws you ever-closer to be examined in depth?
We might suggest that the things that feed your soul and draw you ever-nearer are probably things that you agreed to accomplish in this lifetime. Distractions of the ego are often fleeting and fade from the radar screen once acquired.  The keepers in life are those that help flesh out the divine blueprint that you brought with you on this journey. So what, given the above insights, calls to you for completion? What still has mileage to be used or connections to be made? What have you wanted to explore but have not given the dream the opportunity to unfold? How has this void in your portrait left you incomplete and longing for completion?

We might suggest that given that time is only now; this might be the space you need to fill in the blanks in your earthly resume. If this were your only moment of life, how might you wish to experience it? What are you waiting for?  In times of disaster we are able to focus more clearly on the things in our life that are real and meaningful? Do we need to reach this tipping point in order to motivate us into action? What is preventing you from experiencing the real and extraordinary life you came here to live? When you are able to clear away the clutter in your life, what remains as pure, true and nourishing to the soul? This is the firmament of a life lived in resonance with the divine blueprint. This is where Joy is a constant reflection of life being lived in resonance with the divine.
As you feel yourself becoming submerged in the so-called “real” world, remember to keep tethered to the REAL you which is your soul’s directive. Everything else in this world of smoke and mirrors is merely the illusion of life lived in the distortion of the ego. Allow the mists to clear and you will KNOW what is real and what is beckoning you off the path to self-realization. You have the inner knowing to find your way Home if only you are willing to listen to the still, small voice within that whispers “I Love you, come Home”. Come Home…