Tuesday, October 9, 2012


So where do you go when it seems that you alone are able to see things clearly and even you have trouble seeing through the fog?  We might suggest that going within and surrendering to the voice of your soul is always a good place to start. But separating the voice of the ego from that of your own inner wisdom can be a tricky proposition. You might begin with meditation.  In order to hear clearly, it is always helpful to turn down the volume and distractions of the outside world. 

If one is to go within for answers, it also helps to know what are the questions.  Many are dissatisfied with the status quo but have not defined for themselves what about it they do not like.  Clear thinking is all about removing the things that do not represent the key issues and allow the underlying source of irritation to rise to the surface. 

Once you have identified your core issue, it would be helpful to slowly examine it for nuances that you have been too involved to notice before.  Slowly examine it from all sides, not just the fixed point that you usually see things from, and consciously begin to see how others might see things differently.  This is indeed a group process of discovery and those who are your partners in the drama of life are there to share their views in order that you might become less entrenched in your singular view and find a more universal vantage point.

Next we might recommend looking to see if there are any soft or tender points that need exploring. Many times what we believe to be true may only appear so because there is a weak structural element that has been covered up to appear whole. On closer examination, the underlying house of cards may fall when it is discovered that one of the supporting member lacked integrity. Begin to explore the possibilities. If this were not as it appears, how might this alter the situation and therefore reality?  Be open to all possibilities for in so doing you allow the ease and grace of higher purpose to flow unencumbered through the process.

Your world is filled with situations that are morphing from the known into a whole new definition of reality.  It behooves you to refrain from attachment to present constructs in order to allow for their transformation into different forms of expression. As the atmosphere realigns with a frequency of Loving awareness, it will necessitate that structures and beliefs that are not in alignment with this are either disintegrating from lack of substance or reforming in the new image.

Being in this world but not of it continues to redefine itself as more and more realize the temporary nature of existence on the earth plane and are willing to trade their present “reality” for something better and lasting. We do not mean that masses of souls are choosing to leave incarnation, though some are doing so, but that the firmament of the third-dimensional world is no longer the place where one feels at home and more and more are choosing to elevate their awareness and create a different reality while in form. 

This is the shift that is happening as we speak.  It is taking place in the minds and structures and institutions of the earth plane as more and more come into resonance and frequency of unconditional Love. Not there yet, but accelerating at a “mind-blowing” rate so that in the next year it will hardly be recognizable to that of your father’s generation.  This is the new world that is forming around you.  Will you be part of it or stuck in a “reality show” of the old and worn-out?  We invite you to switch the channel and become one with the new paradigm of Loving expression. Oh yeah, Technicolor…


Wednesday, October 3, 2012


After all is said and done, what will be the reality of your world?  What do you intend to be the structure of a life lived in the new reality? Will life be just a refinement of business as usual or do you have other intentions? If the old reality is not good enough, what might your new world look like?  We have a few suggestions…

First, how might you make your living? Are you willing to surrender the means and how and trust in the universe to provide in harmony with your needs and intentions? If not what kind of leap of faith might be necessary to make this so? What is preventing you from following the directive of your higher self in doing the very thing that excited and energizes your soul and is your higher purpose that you can share with the world? What gift does the unique you have that you can place in the unfolding mosaic of God expressed in humanity? Only you know what this is. It is time to delve deep within in order to discover this treasure that only you can give.

And what about where and how to live… We might suggest that you contemplate deeply, asking to be shown where on Earth you can be of greatest service. The frequency of the earth is changing and many are being called to areas that resonate in closer alignment with their energetic vibration. This will determine not only where but how you relate to the earth mother on a daily basis. Certainly the experience of someone who lives in a penthouse is different from another that resides in a tipi. How close do you wish to be to the heart of the divine Earth Mother? Listen to you your heart as you explore the possibilities. What is to be sacrificed and what would be gained? Listen within to the voice of your soul.

And who do you wish to include in the next phase of life? Is this to be a solo journey? Unlike previous times all are being called together in mutual support for each other in order to pool resources and understanding of the tremendous shift that is taking place. Individual pursuits have been beneficial to the expansion of life on earth but now is time to begin to put together the pieces in order to form a new masterpiece. All of you have interlocking parts in the puzzle of life if only you will put aside the illusions of separateness and find the similarities that will enable the reformation of new structures from the rubble of the old. You will be shown how these fit if you are willing to set aside the blinders put in place by the ego and begin to work together in a unified effort to create the new reality.

And what about partnerships? The old illusion of separation that defined the essence of relationships as being comprised of God, self and others is slowly melting into the new vision of All or Oneness. Defining how all retain their uniqueness but integrate into a viable partnership will continue to define itself as aspects of the mosaic of God expressing in the fifth-dimensional universe. Acceptance and participation will be important as realities warp and reform in a holographic image on the time/space continuum.  The density of matter and form are morphing into new versions of the old, transformed into the “new and improved”. Do not be too rigid in your views and expectations of differing realities as all is being reformed in ways that coincide with this shift.

The only certainty in this time is change. The only thing real is Love. Allow the pieces to fall into place and enjoy the spectacle of creation forming in and through you in this new reality.  Sparkle on…