Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The storms of summer are harbingers of the unrest that is taking place in your world and shaking up the institutions and alliances that are out of resonance with the divine plan.  While it is never comfortable to witness devastation on any level it is also “tough love” in removing the impediments that are stifling healing, so that the Light reveals something greater wishing to emerge.

All is moving in divine order. There are those who are stepping forward with renewed energy and resources in order to effect change in your world. While all may not be as aligned with unselfish motivations as you might desire, rest assured that they will learn through the process and grow. This is a giant shifting of power and resources and there will undoubtedly be growing pains as all come into resonance with the dislodged energy that is being released. Prayerful use of resources and conscious evaluation of the possibilities that are presenting themselves assures that growth and understanding will allow this new energy to be channeled into divinely inspired opportunities for transformation.

This is a new world being born anew from the resources of the past. Much of the fear-based greed and misuse of power has been discovered and will come under close scrutiny in the coming months. The emperor does indeed have no clothes and the pillars of society are being challenged into coming into integrity with new hologram of Oneness.

As new leaders and intentions rise into places of power there will be those who cling desperately to the vestiges of the past. Allow them to be for all will sort itself in the fray of change. If you continue to focus on the things that are in the spirit and awareness of the interlocking nature and Oneness of all of life the new patterns of creation will emerge to shore up the forms that are dissolving.

It is a world of change but also possibility. What do you intend to create for not only yourself but those that are part of your dance? If the world you have lived in no longer exists, what does the new one look like? The more you can envision the changes that need to take place, the more that this will become so. We do not need to tell you how, this is something you Know whether you have accepted it or not. Your charge now is to put aside tall of the egoic reasons why something is not so and begin by assuming it is.

What are the pieces standing in the way of this being fully realized? How do you navigate around and through the waters that are cluttered with outmoded vestiges of the past? The clearest pathway will be the one aligned with the heart. Feel into your choices. Which ones feel more Loving? This is the thread that connects you to the path Home. All else is illusion. Do not be fearful of what others might think or feel. That is part of the illusion created by the ego. Be still and Know that this is the road Home.  Come Home…