Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Inner Wisdom

The aspect of free will is an important one as you traverse the roads of life for in choices you make  in your life, you choose the things to bring forth into experience. Certainly your soul has a plan that you bring with you into incarnation but it is how you choose to exercise this under the guise of free will that will determine whether you are truly “on track” or whether you have veered off onto a side road of experience.

So how can you exercise your free-will in order to remain clear and focused upon your soul path? We do have a few suggestions:

First, it is essential to become crystal-clear about your motivations. Ask yourself if this choice is something that resonates at a deep heart level or if is merely exciting and frivolous, set into emotion by the ego?

Second, how does this choice fit into a higher plan of experience that allows you to grow in meaningful ways? What is the Loving by-product that will be the result of this choice?
Third, how does this choice help reveal to you and others a more Loving way of being in the world of form? Is there anything about it that is harmful to others on a physical, emotional or spiritual level? Does it help them to grow and experience more Loving possibilities as well?

If it passes all of these tests, there is a greater possibility that it is worthwhile both personally and collectively. We say collectively because as you shift into a higher frequency of being, the focus shifts from the individual to the Oneness that connects all of life.  The needs of the small self are integrally linked to those of the group soul that is evolving together. Things that benefit one cell in the body of God but are detrimental to the others are cancerous and harmful to the evolution that is taking place and should not be nourished.

So how do you go about discerning what is “safe” and what is toxic? We might suggest that you have an inner wisdom that is an accurate barometer of evaluation. The more you are able to quietly, calmly and objectively access this deep, inner Knowing, the greater will be your ability to sail effortlessly through life. That is not to say there will not be challenges for without them, growth would not be possible. It is merely that if you tuned into to this inner monitoring system and are not afraid to rely on your innate inner wisdom, you will be able to step over the impediments effortlessly and life will flow smoothly.  You KNOW and it is merely a question of do you believe you know enough to put aside conventional wisdom and blaze a trail in pursuit of excellence.

To follow your own inner guidance when the world around you is screaming “Go back” takes courage and clarity of purpose. How much easier it is to go along with the illusions of others rather than rocking the boat of discovery. The flat earth believers would project their own misgivings and insecurities upon you rather than take themselves into places they are fearful to go.  Are you willing to becalm your sails in order to placate their fears?

You are being asked to set aside the negative projections of others and to move fearlessly into the uncharted waters of discovery. Discovery of self leads to discovery of ways to help others in extricating themselves as well. Time to move fearlessly ahead into the surf of a new adventure into uncharted waters for in such you will not only reveal yourself but pave the way for those who will be bolstered by your strength and willingness to find a new path into the Light.  Carry on…I AM

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

All is Well

Our hearts go out to all who struggle to come into alignment with their divine imprint. Things are not always perceived in black and white but in numerous shades of gray. Frequently something that may seem incongruous only seems that way because all of the forms are not yet in play. For this, we would suggest that it is always prudent to step back and allow all of the pieces to reform in your life.
This is a time of clarity when much is coming into focus. That is what is so disruptive. Pretenses and illusions are giving way to motivations and intents for all to see. This is frequently not pretty but is what is necessary for true healing and mending of the fabric of life into the robes of the new reality. Things that do not resonate with this vision of wholeness (Oneness) are being ripped asunder in the process = hence the pain of rebirth.

Fear not for this is also a time of great Joy as the deeper lessons of Love, compassion and forgiveness are revealed. It is through the surrender to the process and in the allowing of the unfoldment in God’s own way that illumination will occur.

All that is required at this time is the surrender to the process of revelation. The perceived injustices are well known and are being addressed in ways far beyond your comprehension. Your prayers are heard and answered in ways that will be revealed that will remove all doubt. This is a divine agenda playing out in the venue of your lives. The pain is symptomatic of a disconnection with the knowing that you are held in the hand of God and all is well, despite the protestations of the illusionary world in which you live.  All IS well.

So how do you navigate in consciousness when it may seem that all about you is in a state of coming apart and imploding? We might suggest that you continue to concentrate on the only thing that is real which is God’s Love. Anything that not only speaks, but demonstrates this through actions, not words is real.

This is a time for deep inner processing and reflection. It is helpful to spend more time in prayer and meditation to recharge your batteries of faith and awareness. And third, surrender to the process of change and growth. Whatever is going on in the world of form is the process of ascension taking place. This requires the crumbling of the things that are not in resonance with that paradigm. Allow this to happen without trying to “fix” the outmoded and the new will dazzle you with its perfection.
Do not get caught up in the how or the why of the process but Know that all is taking place in Divine order, whatever it may appear to the untrained eye. Allow the obsolete and corrupt to fall away and you enable the process of regrowth and rebirth to happen without fetters. All IS well and so are you. Carry on...


Tuesday, July 10, 2012


If things in your world seem to be in constant motion, rejoice for that means that the transformation has begun. As all of the things that do not resonate with the new paradigm are released from the firmament it will seem that one is in a storm of some magnitude.  Not to worry... This is merely a vacuuming away of the debris that prevents your seeing the Truth buried beneath the clutter.  All will soon be revealed and it is good.
It is those who cling tenaciously onto old beliefs and paradigms who are in for the rudest awakening. It does not bode well for things that are out of alignment with the incoming atmosphere of Love, Truth and Forgiveness. It is time for those who see the writing on the wall of the new reality to step forward and share their perceptions with those who do not as yet trust their own judgment.

Now as to how this might take place, we have a few suggestions.

1. People resist being told what to do or what they see or believe is incorrect. It should never be about making the other “wrong” but more about what you see and how it affects you.

2. You never know what one perceives to be self-evident may not be so for another. If you keep your comments self-reflective, one can hardly questions what is being revealed through another’s eyes and experience.

3. In addition to speaking only from your personal experience, you would be well served to learn how to deflect things that you perceive as being untrue with something like “That has not been my experience but this is…”

4. All do not see life through a solitary lens though they are energetically connected. It frequently takes many viewers to accurately perceive an object or a situation because we all have on blinders of past experience which limit our field of vision. It is in the sharing what we uniquely perceive that the Truth of the greater whole is revealed.

5. In all Truth, there is a place where Love can connect us. Be willing to look for the common thread that binds all together at the level of the heart. This is where “truths” overlap since this is the only reality which is Love. If that can be the pebble that hits the water, all else will ripple out from it in resonance with the divine spark.

6. There is undoubtedly a kernel of truth in any lie or rumor that is told. It is the projections and expectations that we attach to the initial event that color our perceptions and cause it to mutate beyond the reflection of the initial observation. What began as a kernel of truth has been genetically modified by mutations of the ego into something that no longer resembles the seed that was planted.

If you are to live a life of integrity and purpose, you are wise to take all observations of others under scrutiny.  Third-hand observations rarely pass the level of truth to be considered accurate since they are contaminated with the ego-prints of those passing on the message.

Be willing to set aside preconceived notions and the observations of others and confront rumors directly in the presence of the subject and the teller.  Only then will the underlying prejudices and colorations come into view and some semblance of Truth be revealed.

So what if the rumors prove to have substance? How does this alter either your perception of the person in question or your actions? Are you willing to forgive the offender if they have spread untruths? Are you ready to open the wound and discuss the grievance face to face in a Loving manner so that true healing can take place and respect restored? How far are you willing to go to either repair or destroy the other in this breach of integrity?

The coming together of all into Oneness requires us to be impeccable in our adherence to the Loving principles. Things that do not vibrate to a frequency of Love are being put in our face for resolution. This is the requirement of the new paradigm.  What in your life is not resonating to this frequency and what do you intend to do about it?  Love on…