Tuesday, July 17, 2012

All is Well

Our hearts go out to all who struggle to come into alignment with their divine imprint. Things are not always perceived in black and white but in numerous shades of gray. Frequently something that may seem incongruous only seems that way because all of the forms are not yet in play. For this, we would suggest that it is always prudent to step back and allow all of the pieces to reform in your life.
This is a time of clarity when much is coming into focus. That is what is so disruptive. Pretenses and illusions are giving way to motivations and intents for all to see. This is frequently not pretty but is what is necessary for true healing and mending of the fabric of life into the robes of the new reality. Things that do not resonate with this vision of wholeness (Oneness) are being ripped asunder in the process = hence the pain of rebirth.

Fear not for this is also a time of great Joy as the deeper lessons of Love, compassion and forgiveness are revealed. It is through the surrender to the process and in the allowing of the unfoldment in God’s own way that illumination will occur.

All that is required at this time is the surrender to the process of revelation. The perceived injustices are well known and are being addressed in ways far beyond your comprehension. Your prayers are heard and answered in ways that will be revealed that will remove all doubt. This is a divine agenda playing out in the venue of your lives. The pain is symptomatic of a disconnection with the knowing that you are held in the hand of God and all is well, despite the protestations of the illusionary world in which you live.  All IS well.

So how do you navigate in consciousness when it may seem that all about you is in a state of coming apart and imploding? We might suggest that you continue to concentrate on the only thing that is real which is God’s Love. Anything that not only speaks, but demonstrates this through actions, not words is real.

This is a time for deep inner processing and reflection. It is helpful to spend more time in prayer and meditation to recharge your batteries of faith and awareness. And third, surrender to the process of change and growth. Whatever is going on in the world of form is the process of ascension taking place. This requires the crumbling of the things that are not in resonance with that paradigm. Allow this to happen without trying to “fix” the outmoded and the new will dazzle you with its perfection.
Do not get caught up in the how or the why of the process but Know that all is taking place in Divine order, whatever it may appear to the untrained eye. Allow the obsolete and corrupt to fall away and you enable the process of regrowth and rebirth to happen without fetters. All IS well and so are you. Carry on...


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