Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mindful Transitions

In the movement from one paradigm to the next, there is a transition that most go through that is not only disorienting but frightening to those who have not removed the baggage of fear from their “carry-ons”. The surest way to be screened out before entering the new reality is to try to bypass these stringent entry criteria. If this is a deal breaker, what can one do to help remove the last vestiges from the subtle energy anatomy and assure safe passage to the next dimension?

We might suggest examining the things that cause fear and trepidation in one’s life. Are there areas that you feel incapable of handling on your own? What about this situation is intimidating and fearful? Under what circumstances might it no longer be fearful? What might you do to strengthen your position so that this would no longer introduce the specter of fear into the situation? By breaking down emotions into the elemental building blocks of experience, one is often able to examine the situation and discover the illusionary beliefs that are preventing the full functioning of the emotional body. If one is willing to see fears for not only what they express but the underlying root causes of the imbalance, they frequently dissolve in the solvent of greater understanding.

As one moves past the checkpoint of fear-based thinking, one is confronted with what baggage one “needs” to carry with them for the ride. Are there things and distractions that have served their purpose but are no longer necessary in the new reality? If all were swept away in an instant, what might you wish to replace in order to have a fulfilling life experience? Which are merely reminders of past experiences or past realities that no longer fit the person you have become? Which support a vision of the “old you” that is no longer part of your new life lived in the higher dimensions. What “things” might be discarded and replaced in your new environment when you better understand the new world that is being created? Upon examination, there will probably be few “keepers” of a material sense that will need to pass over into the higher vibration.

And what of fellow passengers? Who has continued to grow and expand their awareness in tandem with you and is ready to jump from the plane in formation in search of the new experience. Who is glued to the plane, unwilling to commit to the experience and will not be part of the formation? This is a time for decision making. It comes down to whether we wish to move forward and join the new reality or stay behind and help others overcome their fears and doubts. What is your personal commitment to the new world in formation?

For those who have made the leap but are unable to see the point of landing, we might suggest the coming together with others also in flight and likewise committed to the journey. You will find that you are all being kept aloft on the updrafts of grace until the landing site is prepared. There may be a vast contingent being formed in the ethers between worlds that will arrive en mass at the appropriate time. The important thing is relax and enjoy the process, knowing that at all times you are held in the hand of God and that all is well.

As for the world that will be the destination…We can only say that it will be formed in the image of your intentions. What do you wish to perpetuate and bring with you from your prior existence and what do you wish to leave behind? What are the keepers in life and what are no longer relevant? When weighed on the scale of Loving awareness, what is overweight and must be left behind and what flows freely in the new energetic environment? These are the decisions that you will be bringing along that will form the framework of the new society.

Now is the time to mindfully prepare for the transition that is taking place as we speak. You are an integral part of the creation and are going through the fine screen of discernment awaiting landing. Come from your heart and allow Love to be your parachute and you will land softly in the new world.

Blessings…I AM

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As you are finding, friendship is a deep form of Love that has transcended the carnal aspects of relationship and allows two souls to unite on level of understanding and appreciation. In the new dynamic of growth and awareness, there are more and more relationships that can be called friendships because they meet the new criteria of expression.

As fear ceases to be the controlling factor in life and is being replaced with the presence of Love, relationships are morphing into something of a higher nature as well. As the ego takes the back seat to soul expression, there is a falling away of the old paradigm related to fear. If all souls are whole and complete and know it, what is there to fear from engaging in multiple partners on a level of friendship? If misguided emotions such as jealousy and possessiveness were no longer the norm, what would prevent your opening up to others on a soul level and sharing at the level of friendship? What in your present experience prevents you from befriending each other and thus facilitating their growth and awareness?

That is in fact the basis for friendship. There is a mutual support and assurance to be gained in the expression of friendship that cannot be experienced in the solitary. We look to our friends to hold the mirror for us and to show us the spots we cannot see because we are blinded by our ego. True friends will tell us what is true and not just what we want to hear. They are our partners in ascension.

So what prevents us from the experience of friendship? Again it comes down to the aspect of fear. Are we willing to face the illusions of who we believe ourselves to be and to see them dissolving into the magnificence we really are. What would happen if others saw us “warts and all” and found that we were all “flawed” and longing to be healed through the friendship of another? How willing are we to be vulnerable in the eyes of another? How is our soul calling to us to be made whole in the eyes of our friend?

It is in the stripping away of the illusions in life that we crack open the shell of separateness and emerge into a new world of expanded possibilities. It is our true friends that are there and assist in the process because they know that we are doing the same for them. Friends are there to help you over the rough spots but also to share in the “good stuff” as well.

As friendships evolve because we no longer share the illusions of lack, there is no longer a competition for “limited” resources. In a world of abundance, we are able to assist each other in achieving and receiving all the bounty of God’s Love they can hold and wish to receive. We are able to share in the wealth of experience in unselfish gratitude because we all “get it” and it is magnificent and joyous.

Friendship is one of the truest expressions of Love because it is pure, unblemished and selfless. This is the new paradigm that is being revealed and emerging in form. It is Love in action.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I AM the presence of Love. In order to dwell in this presence, one must be willing to set aside the trappings of life which are a distraction to the fulfillment of that promise. Now this does not necessarily required the renouncing of all expressions of beauty and form, but rather setting aside their importance in your life. While it has been said that “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven”, that has been used in some ways to obscure the true meaning of renunciation of form.

When we speak of letting go of the attachment to form, it is not necessarily meant in a physical sense. It is neither good nor bad to have possessions if they give pleasure to the senses. The slippery slope is breached however when the objects of desire take on the importance of becoming the motivation of your actions rather than a byproduct of appreciation. As in all matters, it is the underlying desires and intention that reveal the motivations of action. All else is merely window dressing.

How easily can you detach yourselves from the “things” in your life? What would you find hardest to “give up”? If all were swept away in the blink of an eye, would you be any less perfect in the eyes of God? Is attachment to the “things” in your life overshadowing and directing your motivations and actions? As we pack our bags for the journey Home, these are the kinds of decisions that determine whether we will take the express route or the local where we must stop and unload excess baggage.

Once you have released your attachment to the “things” in your life you are free to enjoy the finer things in appreciation of their beauty and meaning. It is as if you are visiting in a fine hotel and using the beautiful things there for your amusement without having to “own” anything. Ownership is but another illusion of the ego for nothing in life is truly owned but merely there for our understanding as we clear our vision of reality. It becomes more of a question of the object of your desire owning you in a deeper sense of the word. What “things” own your attention, desire and lust? How important have they become in your life”
As we begin to shed the desires of the ego in our lives, we feel a lightening of the burden of form. In a formless state, reality is quite different from the illusion of the third-dimensional state of being. When life is reduced to the essence of consciousness and being, what are the “things” that comprise this new reality? What characterizes a world of form that is no longer valid in a formless state? How important will the “things” in your life become when the illusion of form is transcended?

If this mode of thinking is beyond your scope of comprehension, let’s step back into the present…What things in your environment distract you from seeking your higher purpose? What attachment have you made that mesmerize your thinking and draw you into a worship of the form itself rather than the appreciation of its presence? Is it Love-ly to behold and therefore worthy of your admiration or is its attraction because it reinforces the baser elements of attraction? Does it serve to elevate man’s understanding and experience or does it merely enchant the mind into a cycle of distraction? Is this a “keeper” in terms of long-term potential for growth and understanding or is it merely a distraction that obscures and detracts from the higher purpose in life? All are considerations to be taken into account as bags are being packed for the upcoming move.

What do you “need” for your substance and growth? What enrich your life and give it purpose and meaning. What things make you feel good because they reinforce your highest ideals and sense of beauty and wonder? And which fail to measure up to this higher standard? Perhaps it is time for a little housecleaning and de-cluttering in order to see clearly the real beauty in our lives and the higher possibilities for growth and achievement. Perhaps?


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Letting Go

When you choose to let go of the challenges of a world gone mad and float freely in a sea of consciousness, it will feel at first as if you have lost your mooring and are adrift without a rudder. The loss of the illusion of control may seem frightening to those whose limited vision is that of the personality or ego knowing the desirable route to take. Turning over the reigns to an unknown entity may seem an act of folly or insanity.

If perhaps circumstances or an unwillingness to let go of the reigns of life have moved you into crisis mode, you would be wise to pause and review the alternatives in a higher space of reflection. Given the alternatives, which route has the more Loving potential? Which offers the most opportunity for growth and understanding? Which is more stagnant and reflective of the old energy and options that have proven not to be supportive of growth? How can you take your bags of knowledge, wisdom and faith and move to a new local or situation and begin afresh, richer for the experience? What is your soul trying to share with you about the true value of life and relationships that you are blocking from achievement? What things are of greatest value in your life because they hold the truest expression of Love and understanding? How is the situation moving you to make life-altering decisions you have been avoiding? What has been holding you back from letting go of the “firmament” in your life and moving past these rapids in order to experience calmer waters?

Being “brutally” honest and going within to access a deeper space of inner knowing allows you to take your thumb of ego off the scales and to see the real gift your soul is presenting you in somewhat shabby wrappings. Many who have gone through the darkness and emerged into a lighter passage will share that it was painful but transformative in that the pains of labor are forgotten in the beauty of the new life that has been created.

Are you ready to let go of the pain of past experiences and to begin anew to build a life of Love and awareness? Many are being called to recreate the world around them. As we have said, the only baggage you need bring is faith and understanding that all is being accomplished in divine order. You are self sufficient and reflect beauty that is limitless. Boundless abundance is yours for the taking if you are willing to let go of illusions of limitation. This is a remarkable opportunity for all to ascend past the darkness into the Light of possibilities if we are able to simply let go and BE one with the process of transformation. All else is smoke and mirrors. How far are you willing to go to see this through and allow the perfection of growth take place. It is time and it is fulfillment. Are you coming…?