Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Letting Go

When you choose to let go of the challenges of a world gone mad and float freely in a sea of consciousness, it will feel at first as if you have lost your mooring and are adrift without a rudder. The loss of the illusion of control may seem frightening to those whose limited vision is that of the personality or ego knowing the desirable route to take. Turning over the reigns to an unknown entity may seem an act of folly or insanity.

If perhaps circumstances or an unwillingness to let go of the reigns of life have moved you into crisis mode, you would be wise to pause and review the alternatives in a higher space of reflection. Given the alternatives, which route has the more Loving potential? Which offers the most opportunity for growth and understanding? Which is more stagnant and reflective of the old energy and options that have proven not to be supportive of growth? How can you take your bags of knowledge, wisdom and faith and move to a new local or situation and begin afresh, richer for the experience? What is your soul trying to share with you about the true value of life and relationships that you are blocking from achievement? What things are of greatest value in your life because they hold the truest expression of Love and understanding? How is the situation moving you to make life-altering decisions you have been avoiding? What has been holding you back from letting go of the “firmament” in your life and moving past these rapids in order to experience calmer waters?

Being “brutally” honest and going within to access a deeper space of inner knowing allows you to take your thumb of ego off the scales and to see the real gift your soul is presenting you in somewhat shabby wrappings. Many who have gone through the darkness and emerged into a lighter passage will share that it was painful but transformative in that the pains of labor are forgotten in the beauty of the new life that has been created.

Are you ready to let go of the pain of past experiences and to begin anew to build a life of Love and awareness? Many are being called to recreate the world around them. As we have said, the only baggage you need bring is faith and understanding that all is being accomplished in divine order. You are self sufficient and reflect beauty that is limitless. Boundless abundance is yours for the taking if you are willing to let go of illusions of limitation. This is a remarkable opportunity for all to ascend past the darkness into the Light of possibilities if we are able to simply let go and BE one with the process of transformation. All else is smoke and mirrors. How far are you willing to go to see this through and allow the perfection of growth take place. It is time and it is fulfillment. Are you coming…?


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