Tuesday, July 27, 2010


In making sense of the world around you it might be prudent to examine the intentions and motives of your own journey. What have you focused on as the star that you use for navigation in your life? Is your underlying motivation to accumulate wealth, prestige or power? Is it more subtle such as experiencing adventure, or developing relationships? Or have you achieved a higher vision that keeps you focused upon a goal of self-realization and awareness? We ask this only because it is indicative of the journey that you are taking and will underlie all of the decisions you make. What is your prime motivation of your life?

For those that have not made the primary decision to elevate their intentions beyond the physical, the world will be a series of lessons in achievement and loss. While the collection of objects may satisfy at some level for they may increase one’s image of self worth, there is always the possibility, or we should say probability, that this will not have the degree of satisfaction that one would anticipate once achieved. Much of the joy of life comes in the striving to achieve a goal, rather than when one reaches the top of the mountain. When you arrive you realize that there are always greater mountains to climb and the quest is never-ceasing until you reach the final destination of self-realization.

But what if you cannot realize your dream of personal wealth? Part of the lesson may be to see beneath the illusionary states of awareness and to realize that true wealth is always a perception from within and only the things we carry in our heart can we take with us to the bank. There is a feeling of betrayal frequently when one achieves an anticipated object of desire and realizes that it is not the thing that truly stirs the soul to rapture that we believed it to be. It is our soul’s graphic way of redirecting our journey onto an upward path.

So if material objects are not ultimately satisfying, how about relationships? Here the journey gets a little more complicated. There are those we have contracted to for a lifetime that are our soul’s companion at service to share a lifetime of wisdom with each other. While Love is the glue that cements souls together in the physical world it may also be the cement that weights the other down and keeps one from rising higher when one moves beyond the experiences of the relationship and the other is dragging their feet. If may be most Loving some point to cut the tie that binds two together in experience when it is no longer growing, supportive, Loving relationship

Other relationships are more impermanent and can thus be accomplished in shorter period of time. Many people come together to exchange information, and others to fulfill soul contracts left over from previous lifetimes. There are many hidden agendas that fall within the realm of possibilities and have yet to define themselves in the field of form. All are part of the ongoing weaving and altering of the fabric of life, according to the imperative set forth at the commencement of the journey. While the flight plan has been filed, there in no necessity to stick to it and bypass some of the intermediary stops once the journey has begun. It is always possible to audit a class or skip a grade once you have mastered the material.

So say your prime directive has been altered and now the object of your achievement is focused upon spiritual growth and higher awareness. How might you go about achieving this ultimate goal? We might suggest that this is a journey that will look the same as any other, filled with achievements and interactions as before. The only difference is in the attitude of the experiencer. Gone will be the imperative to surpass others that share the path. It will be more important to encourage and empower them to share the path together. Gone will be the need to control or manipulate those that you share a heart connection with for they will become as your extended self as you merge in the completeness of a complimentary relationship. Gone will be the need to dominate man or nature as you come into balance with all of life. And present will be the peace and understanding that life is to be lived in the grace of a Love that enfolds and encompasses all of experience if only you choose to make this your goal. It is LOVE expressed in all of life.


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