Thursday, July 22, 2010

Family Dynammics

The family of origin that you have chosen to embrace and interact within this lifetime is in many cases one that you have traveled together before and will continue to do so in the future. While you may have alternating roles in each other’s lives, it is this one that requires your immediate attention.

There are many lessons that one must master while undergoing the journey of enlightenment. Many of these require the “tough love” of those that know us best to bring home the lesson in ways that are hard to miss. You may have noticed that many of these are “in your face” right now as time quickens. It is those that we have drawn to us in a familial bond that know us best and which buttons to push to bring up unresolved issues between us for examination and integration.

Perhaps we were treated unjustly or cruelly in a previous incarnation by a certain member of our familial group. This is an opportunity to try a different tack to wear down resistance or experiment with a different route to understanding. Certainly the issues that gestate in the familial unit are the themes that will keep humming a familiar refrain throughout our lives in order to draw our attention to what we missed before. Only when an issue has been examined and both have surrendered to that lesson in understanding is an issue “finished” and “complete” and we can move on into new experiences. If not dealt with to the satisfaction of both parties, there is a good chance that it will become the theme of many future encounters.

The familial unit is a ticket all have purchased to a common destination. While some may change direction and transfer off at some point, there is a common thread that unites all in the experience. It behooves us all to examine what qualities and visions we share with those in our family and which are there as a mirror and deterrent to move us in an opposing direction.

We find our most important lessons are ones that we learn through the example of others. We can either choose to emulate them and claim them for ourselves or become aware of the fallacy of the experience and redirect our lives in an opposing direction. All are valid ways of learning.

We can choose how deeply we wish to become enmeshed in the drama of others. Being able to claim our wholeness and be the master of our own destiny is an important way that we cut the cords that bind us to our familial patterning. Part of emotional adulthood is breaking free of the tethers that bind us to the lessons of childhood and become our own person in the image of our higher vision of the self our soul is showing us. The extent to which we are able to reform our personae in this higher vision is the test as to how well we have learned the lessons of our birth family.

Emotional adulthood is achieved when we can see the patterns that brought us to where we are today and the lessons attached but then rewrite the script of our lives in the vision of our choosing. The baton of growth is passed from generation to generation through the lessons we share. What do you wish to take from your experiences in the family unit and pass on to your decedents and which are worn out beliefs and misinformation that need to be discarded in light of your new reality? What do you wish to be the legacy for those to come that will create a Lighter version of reality worth perpetuating? How will your family album look to future generations of those that will reform in new bodies? The seeds you plant today will bear fruit that you will eat in future incarnations. What do you wish that to be? Food for thought…


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