Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Mandate

Feeling that you are in this world but not of it might be a common occurrence these days as more and more move into the transitional vibration. There is a part of you that goes through the motions of growth and understanding in order to prepare for the shift while the physical aspect of your being is embodied in the third-dimensional activities that comprise your mundane world. In which arena do you feel more alive and self-actuated? This is where you are creating your reality. The rest is just the illusion.

As you move into the new energy, you are noticing that you are less drawn into the frivolous pursuits of prior times that seem to have lost their luster. While you may have enjoyed something that involved the mastery of a skill of some sort, you may find yourself setting this activity aside because the skill is now part of your repertoire and once mastered it is time to move on to other things. This is the experience of growth. Once one has learned something it is time to store the experience and find new areas of growth and understanding.

As dimensions shift and vision becomes clearer, you are becoming more attuned to the events and people who have substance and meaning, rather than just filling space or time. Every occurrence in your life is filled with meaning and purpose that is being revealed in ever-increasing frequency. It is if a play is being improvised in real-time and it is meaningful and brilliant, and you are part of the production. This IS the real-time and you are integral to the process.

Your observations are becoming more acute and you easily see through the subterfuge of the world around you. You are able to easily and quickly connect the dots and see where a conversation or activity is going and are able to decide if this is somewhere you wish to be or move on. You have completed your graduate studies and it is now up to you to decide how you wish to apply the knowledge.

You are building a new world, not based on the blueprints of obsolete structures, but with fresh eyes and new ideas. The wisdom of those that have gone before is not lost but has morphed into an understanding of greater depth and wisdom, but also adapted to something that serves a greater purpose. It is as if all the jagged corners of ego have been worn smooth and now the pieces of the many parts fit together seamlessly into a structure that is built together with the elements of the many that have come together in new forms of cooperation and teamwork. It is wholeness made manifest.

This is another characteristic of the new structures of your world is that it is beginning to vibrate in a harmonizing pattern of life. The destructive, egocentric vision that places man at the center of the universe with all of nature subservient to this harsh dictator is coming to a close. The new paradigm of cooperation includes the coming together of the elemental aspects of nature as well as the presence of man.

Man must find a balance of harmony and consideration that recognizes the unique role each plays in the unfolding mosaic of completeness. It is life made manifest in form where all have equal importance in the overall plan. While man certainly has the capacity to think and reason, this can be used either constructively or destructively in its execution. With power comes responsibility to use it wisely for the benefit of all.

This is the mandate that is being given to those who have crossed the threshold of understanding. Form the new world in the image of the god-within who Knows the higher purpose in all endeavors. Find ways of executing the divine mandate of Loving awareness that honors the needs of all in the creating of the higher level of experience. Continue to grow in Loving awareness and you will continue to surf the dimensional shift in ease and grace. This is the plan. The rest is just the illusion. What do you see? What do you intend to do about it? What is your new reality???


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