Thursday, July 1, 2010

Working and Playing Well with Others

The things that comprise your life are opportunities to experience the growth your soul requires for its evolution. When you enter this experience, you are given certain “colors” with which to complete the masterpiece of your life. Some may choose to bring a darker palate with which to work while others may choose lighter hues. All are valid given the charge of the soul’s path to learning. You may have already worked out certain issues of self in previous lifetimes that require no further exploration in this one. If you come in with the knowledge of say a high school level, there is no need to begin at kindergarten every time. This is a hard-one lesson on which to build different levels of experience.

You might ask if struggle is necessary for achievement…We would offer that it is not the end result but the journey that provides the understanding. As you process the various aspects of an issue, you begin to accumulate the nuances of the experience. These are always stored away for reference in future lifetimes as you begin to flesh out various aspects of your emotional body. The feelings of déjà vous are merely remembrances of similar times and similar experiences that need not be relived in order to know the higher lesson involved.

While all experiences are not necessarily profound, you will continue to be brought into contact with the ones that are most relevant to your soul evolution. As time quickens, we all are cramming for final exams and find that our dance card is full of the things we have missed in previous encounters. It is as if we are called into service as an elite squad of spiritual warriors to mop up and bring into form the final aspects of soul evolution in order to progress to the next level of experience.

Part of the curriculum in the earth school is about learning to work and play well with others. You may remember that this is one of the first activities you encountered in kindergarten that has remained a consistent theme throughout life. It is this interplay with other souls that have the reflections of our life experience in form that help bring us into alignment with our higher purpose. If we are here to learn the lessons of Love in its many forms, it stands to reason that it is through the eyes of our many beloved partners that we will be able to see and recognize the missing parts of our evolving soul. The reintegration of these missing pieces is what we are yearning for when we lash out and posture to avoid the wholeness that we secretly seek. In the surrender and coming together we are reborn into higher understanding and awareness and complete our quest for wholeness in the tender arms of another. In such we will master the goal of “working and playing well with others”.
Before we leave the playground of experience, we might be well advised to make one more connection. Because of fears and insecurities from this and previous lifetimes, all will not be willing to move easily into the new reality. The defenses and struggles that impede the flow of energy into Loving pursuits may not be forthcoming until one has cut the chords that link the prior experience. Only when the benefits outweigh the risks or the pain becomes too great will they find reason and courage to move out of the shadows into the Light.

The greatest service you can provide to yourself and your fellow students is to mirror Loving kindness to each other in order to create a safe place where growth can take place. Continued efforts in this vein will eventually wear down the wall of resistance and create a safe, environment for Loving exchange. You are the mirrors to reflect God’s Loving Grace to each other. How can you best demonstrate this lesson in the masterpiece of your life? This is your assignment for today…


For a free copy of Penny’s book Returning Home – A Workbook for Ascension go to the Journey of Enlightenment website Journey of Enlightenment Foundation is now on Facebook. We invite you to sign up as a Fan.

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