Thursday, June 24, 2010

Prayer for Mother Earth

6/23/2010 2:31 PM

I AM the consciousness of the earth Mother coming through at this time of much strife and concern. I AM bleeding internally due to the conscious efforts of those who did not realize the far-reaching implications of their actions. There is a hemorrhaging of my vital fluids that is causing much pain and suffering to those who make their home in my sheltered regions. Much pain and suffering have been caused in the breach of the actions of a few that is threatening to wreck catastrophic injury to many more. It is a time of great sorrow but also great possibility.

The earth can continue to pilfer the treasures of her riches without concern for the fate of future generations and go out with a colossal demonstration of proportions that rival those felt on Atlantis. You can pray and shift the energetic template upon which this teetering of the dominoes that are ready to fall and perhaps divert disaster THIS time. Or you can begin to dismantle a society built upon the myopic vision of limitless resources that are there to be squandered. This is life at the crossroads of civilizations gone past and to come. How many of you still believe in the illusion of limitless resources and that every man for himself is the only way to survive in times of chaos? How many of you have been deluded into believing that one must face the harsh reality of life torn asunder by exploding theories and suppositions? You have before you a dilemma of major proportions,

How many of you believe that anything can be undone with prayers in the moment and business as usual the next? This is the time that humanity is being called to task for decisions by your forefathers that are bearing the fruit of gluttonous seeds planted long ago. The resources of your planet are bountiful beyond measure if only you are able to respect and cherish them and take only what you need. The gluttony of your species is intimately related to the illusions of self that cause you to reach for more and more in order to fill up the deficits of character that have become the norm. While there are a few shining examples to the contrary, most of your species are lost in a fog of illusions that is spinning them deeper and deeper into oblivion.

This is not to say that all is lost, but there is a need for drastic, rapid recalibration of the moral compass of the earth in its totality which naturally includes, men, women and the other inhabitants as well. It will take a concerted effort of all remaining in form to reset priorities and employ new tactics in order to develop a new model upon which to build your new reality. In order to bring together the consciousness of a community based upon higher vibrational experiences it may be necessary to go through a rebirthing process of some magnitude. This is not to say that it will be without difficulty for pain is frequently part of the beauty of life reborn.

For those of you that have the determination to see this through there awaits magnificence beyond all measure when all “get it” and turn their focus on the possibilities of an expanded reality based upon the highest aspects of the Loving experience. Certainly Joy is to be born from the chaos of the present when the cinders of vaporized illusions come crashing down around you, leaving the solitary Light of recognition of the divine. All is indeed perfect in the execution and beautiful when seen through new eyes of recognition. Do not allow the rumblings and explosions of the earth, realigning and reforming to cause a tidal wave of despair that will lead you off track. Eyes on the beauty of the possibilities and allow the collapsing structures to be consumed and sink into the mud. It is a new earth that is being born out of the phoenix of the ashes. You will have time to reassess where you wish to be when the dust settles.

The prayers of the faithful are altering the energetic environment on earth. Whether there are enough that are making the connection and embracing the Light remains to be seen. Let us just say that the prayer has been heard and things are in motion. Continue to move mountains with your faith and KNOW that all is coming together in divine order. All is well despite the clouds and smoke. It is a cleansing and rebirth that is taking place and you are all in the nursery awaiting the new arrival. Soon…I AM

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