Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The frantic pace that is characteristic of these end times tends to separate those who are caught up in the cycles of activity and those who would tune into the higher voice that is whispering in their ear. As long as you are willing to find your answers in the world around you, rather than within your sphere of knowledge, you will be forever tossed about, listening to the many voices that are shouting for you to follow. It is only when you take back your power and become your own guru that you realize that the answer was there all along but you were too distracted by the din of others to hear your own voice whispering within.

Once you have awakened to the deeper mysteries of life, how do you go about reclaiming control of the rudder? We might suggest that you begin by taking time out to have an inner dialogue with “self” in order to separate what is true for you and what is the false teachings of others. If you have always accepted something as true because you were continually told this by others, is this still the belief that you wish to use as the foundation for your new reality? How have you evolved beyond childish visions of your world into a multidimensional universe with different constants and ever-changing possibilities? It is as if you too have ventured down a rabbit hole of dimensions and are now exploring a new world full of possibilities never before imagined.

Given this new perspective, what might you do differently in your life that is no longer contingent upon the past definitions of reality? What limits have you placed upon your life that are no longer restricting your growth? What have you secretly wanted to experience that others told you was impractical or dangerous? Perhaps this was a projection of their own fears and insecurities rather than a true reflection of the reality of a situation? What are the possible outcomes if you ventured forth? Are you able and willing to deal with whatever consequences might result? Will there be a high probability for growth and understanding that might not be realized from the complacency of the status quo? Are you willing to risk “failure” in order to experience enlightenment? These are the questions you might wish to ask yourself as you step carefully around the traps life is showing you.

Once you have determined to move courageously in new directions, what do you wish to accomplish? The original purpose of the journey may be just the motivation to direct you into new realms of experience. Once you have crossed this threshold, you are free to move unencumbered through a new world of possibilities. The “shoulds” and “oughts” of someone else’s reality no longer hold true in your new world of experience. What others expect is no longer relevant in the world that is defined by your new perception of reality.

While it may appear to have the same form as the world you left behind, you will notice that the rules of interchange between participants no longer are true. If all are following their own inner compass, it is an inner voice that is directing all Home in concert with the others. There should be less and less conflict as the loud voice of the ego quiets and one is able to tune into the inner directive of the soul’s message. It is becoming part of the greater dance of life where all souls are coming together in rhythm and harmony and discovering that they indeed do flow together as one, despite surface differences. These are but interconnecting gears in the machinery of life that are being awakened and called into service for the creation of this new life experience. All is well and perfectly formed to work together.

This new perspective may be seem rather “airy-fairy” at first given the complexity of life lived in the third-dimensional fast lane. As you struggle through the impediments in your mundane lives, try to imagine how things might be different if this were your new reality. The more you can envision your experience morphing into something different, the more you can create the alternate experience. If you are content with the present, that is where you will remain stuck. Sometimes the burr under the saddle must be removed before you can settle in for a smooth ride.

All in life is not as it seems. It takes visionaries but also those willing to follow their inner compass and move in directions that are counterintuitive to the perceived reality to create new experience. Can you hear the still small voice within whispering and guiding you out of the chaos of life and into a brighter realm of possibilities? This is your soul calling. It is time and it is exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy.

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