Thursday, June 24, 2010


As you transition into the new reality it is wise to keep in mind that this too is a transitory phase. While it may seem that you are living in a state of transcendence, in fact, this will become the new norm in experience. What if there were little to be achieved by pursuing a life of monetary pursuits? How would you redirect your life to achieve both meaning and purpose? What if your ego were to suddenly relinquish its hold on the direction of your life? How might you reorganize your activities in order to embrace this new reality? When all is said and done, what is important in the overall scheme of things and what is merely window dressing provided by the ego in order to decorate the realm of experience/?

It is this that we wish to address today…

As you analyze the events in your life, it is advisable to see which ones call to you at the level of the soul. What greater or higher good might be accomplished by taking one route over another? Can you see a more universal benefit to be derived from taking one course of action over another? When all of the wants and desires of the ego are stripped away, what continues to shine forth as serving the best interest of the whole, rather than its part? As we continue to evolve in common purpose, what decisions seem to benefit that ultimate achievement? This is the direction your soul is directing you.

As edifices to the individual are crumbling around you, there are emerging new ones to take the place of the old. New structures have the signature and integrity of not only excellence of purpose in that they are designed to serve the needs of the collective but also the individuals who make up the body. Unless it is a win/win, it is of the old energy and doomed to crumble as societies are reborn.

The dynamics of a new society are evolving into structures of equanimity as all are forming so as to share the opportunities for achievement. No longer will power and wealth be hoarded by the few but shared in equal opportunity by the many, according to their desires and commitment to underlying beliefs of the cooperative. You may think of capitalism as being the ultimate equalizer since it embraces the concepts of freedom to achieve for all. We might suggest that a new “ism” is forming which recognized the inherent freedom to achieve by all but at the same time balances the welfare of the components of the cooperative in equal balance. It is an organization based upon the new dynamic of cooperation and teamwork that is finding form in the foundations of change that are taking place in your world. You might call it “Omnivision” that is becoming the basis for growth and understanding in your changing world.

As for the structures that will make this possible…We might suggest that while few of the present models measure up to the balance between individual and collective, there are a few that survive. All are being evaluated to see whether they measure up to the challenge. One might recall the Memorex example when the new frequency of vibration was applied and the glass of inflexibility shattered in the presence of the new vibration. That is what is happening in your world today. Inflexible, outmoded structures are shattering, only to be rebuilt in the frequency of Light and Love. It is a transformation that, while painful to the extent to which one is attached to the old, will heal and reform in ways that will cause restructuring of the world in ways never thought possible. While not happening in what we would consider “a twinkling of an eye”, nevertheless when measured in the scope of the history of mankind, the period of time this is taking is infinitesimally small. Such is the greater view of the time continuum.

As to what you might do to “surf the dimensional shift” we might suggest that allowing all needs and structures to dissolve in their importance might be in order. If one is going on a journey of unknown destination, does it make sense to take baggage that might be irrelevant in the undetermined land? The real treasures of your lifetime are found in the knowledge, wisdom and beliefs that serve you, wherever you may venture. All else is excess baggage and you may find that its weight to be crushing over time. The attitude adjustments and clearing out pockets of misguided energy and beliefs should be the only tune-up you require for the journey.

While the ultimate destination will always be Home, there will inevitable be course corrections along the way that will take you on a more circuitous route. Your willingness to keep your eye on the goal but being open to whatever evolves in perfect order will give you the foresight to navigate whatever you encounter along the way. The journey has begun and you are stepping on board for the ride of many lifetimes. Bon Voyage and Godspeed…all is well…


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