Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Energy of Truth

The infantile fantasies of your childhood are in some ways giving way to more mature visions of reality but at the same time, the ones that were carried over from previous lives of experience may be continuing as you resume your soul’s journey. The continuum of soul experiences carry on until the self realization of a perfected journey of enlightenment is completed and it is time to return home to the Creator.

How you go about reconciling the “real” from the imagined is all part of your sojourn in the earth school. While Truth is always relative to the level of the understanding of the experiencer, there are certainly universal Truths that are a constant for all and that withstand the scrutiny of examination. Concepts that withstand the nuances of query will unflinching test with the highest vibration and therefore be registered as True.

We might suggest that you first become familiar with the concept of energy frequency or vibration. As you evolve into multidimensional beings, capable of discernment on many levels, you will undoubtedly be confronted with the opportunity to develop skills of discernment relating to evaluating the frequency of Light energy surrounding an object or an idea. Things that calibrate higher on a scale of Truth and Integrity, or are life enhancing rather than life degrading, will carry a higher vibrational frequency. Those that fail to measure up to these higher standards, will not. It is merely a matter of determining the frequency of something to see whether it contributes to the higher purpose of life or does not in order to plot a course of Truth and Integrity.

So how do you go about ascertaining what is energetically True in your lives and what fails to measure up to the highest vibrational standards? There are many methods of measuring vibrational frequencies both mechanical and cognitive. For most, simple methods of kinesiology or dowsing will suffice to test for positive or negative frequencies and perhaps calibration. The use of a pendulum by a skilled tester can offer a wealth of information to those seeking to wade through the possibilities in form.

Kinesiology or muscle testing is another skill that uses the body as an energetic tool of discernment that can validate the positive or negative aspects of an object or a situation under contemplation. Given the clarity and objectivity of the tester, this is a valuable skill that one can use anywhere and at any time without devices of discernment. As more become attuned with the energy of their bodies and opening up to higher sensory abilities such as clairvoyance there are also sensory indicators of positive and negative vibrational patterns that may be perceived and even calibrated with practice.

All will be accurate to the extent that one is able to step aside and objectively allow the energy of the examined to reveal itself without the ego putting a thumb on the scale of discernment. The more one is able to get out of one’s own way and release the need to know or understand a particular outcome, the more accurate will be the testing. Like anything in life, practice and patience will lead to perfection.

Once you are comfortable in receiving information, and calibrating the Truth of an experience, it is then up to you as to how you process the information you receive. What if you receive an answer that is contrary to your perceived vision of reality? It might be wise to try asking questions in different ways in order to see what component of the situation is not measuring up to the standard of Truth and Integrity. When calibrating written material it may be necessary to break it down sentence by sentence or even word by work to see which fails to measure up to the higher vibratory standards of Truth.

In a world of illusion, it is those that are able to see through the smoke and mirrors of deception that will have the visionary integrity of creating a new world of higher purpose. Strengthening your muscles of discernment and allow yourself to see clearly the world around you and you will find that all of your experiences will become transparent to the Truth of the moment. These are like 3-D glasses of discernment that are inviting you into a future of Light and wisdom. Developing the skills and muscles of Truth and discernment will go far in leading you into a new world of possibilities. Your life is as True as you choose to make it. Do you wish to live in the integrity of Truth or the safety and complacency of illusion? Time to step forward and discern the Truth in your life. How exciting!

I AM Brugh Joy

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