Tuesday, June 8, 2010


The concept of blessings is one of perceptions. Certainly if one offers blessings to another it is a way of connecting on a higher spiritual level and bestowing or reminding the other of their innate spiritual nature. Again we say perception because the true nature of humanity is one of soul energy expressed in a physical body. If the persona is in actuality a divine presence, it is a matter of acceptance of that true nature and bringing forth into consciousness that which already is in order to bring it into awareness.

The divinity of the human soul is not a concept that is easily accepted by those mired in the illusions of a third-dimensional existence. While we may say we believe that we are created in the image of God, we often look in a mirror and see not the divine, but illusions of imperfection rather than lessons in process. The image of perfection is lost in the ideals of a society that base worth on the illusions of the ego. It is only when we are blessed with a value system that sees beyond the obvious and looks within for reflections of the divine spark that we begin to understand our beauty that shines forth with a radiance that causes others to pale in comparison.

Now we say comparison only because that is how many evaluate what is desirable and what is not. In truth, since each is a unique cell in the body of God, expressing and serving in a unique capacity, it would be like comparing an eye to a fingernail and judging whether one was deemed of worth when in fact they each have their own role to play in the body of wholeness. As one evolves into higher understanding, acceptance of the unique character each brings to the experience has value to the person but also to the whole of the tapestry of experience and judgment is an irrelevant standard on which to base an opinion.

Blessings come in many forms and are merely reminders of the divinity we all posses as part of our holy blueprint. We are blessed by grace in our existence but in many cases are blinded by the values of others and unable to see past their illusions. When we are able to step back and remove the log from our own eyes, we will be able to see more clearly how the apparent difficulties in our lives are resistance to moving into new dimensions of growth and understanding. We are blessed when we make this gigantic leap and are rewarded with the grace of acceptance.

While all of life lived in integrity may not be considered easy, it can be peaceful if that is how you choose to make it. How might you say can "tragedy” contribute to a peaceful existence? We might suggest that it is all how we perceive something as to whether it is tragic or insightful. By stepping back and we might say up and examining a situation from a higher perspective one is often able to observe patterns of resistance that when continually pushed down finally exploded in a dramatic way in order to get our attention.

Many lessons are not easy because we continue to resist but also because we may have chosen to be teachers to others on our karmic path. Lessons and debts from many lifetimes are being played out in rapid succession as we move quickly into the new energetic field. It is time to reconcile the imbalances with others and to move forward with a clean slate of experience.
If one were to take stock of the many blessings in ones life and look beyond the obvious stressful situations in order to discover the deeper meaning of experience, there will inevitably be a preponderance of affirmative experiences that you are processing in the schoolroom of life. Time to give thanks for the many blessings that are unfolding in our lives. All is good…all is God…all is Love. Blessings…


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