Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Along the periphery of experience lie the seeds of new growth and awareness. Those mired in the center of life lived in the tried, true, and predictable are seldom privy to the revolutionary and innovative that takes place outside the norm of experience. As more and more are moving out of the mainstream and looking for new ways of structuring and experiencing their world, new patterns and structures are forming. It is as if an exploding volcano is creating new land masses and islands that will eventually evolve into new centers of learning and inhabitation.

On these newly formed lands are the most fertile fields for growth and understanding. Where no rules exist, there are greater opportunities to create societies that mirror new thought and understanding. These are fertile fields ready to be planted with inspiration worthy of the new paradigm.

As those that have heard the call coalesce into new forms of association, there are groups of like-minded people who understand that this is no longer their father’s world. There is a coming together into new forms and cultures that serve the new dynamics of cooperation and teamwork rather than the worn out structures that bred greed and corruption. This is a new vision of a world based upon the oneness of experience lived out by cooperating elements of individuated souls. All are aware that they are part of the grand adventure that is heralding the dawn of a new era and it is exciting.

At the core of this shift into the new paradigm is the understanding that all are individuated expressions of Loving energy made manifest in order to demonstrate its truth in a world of form. There are those who may not understand the importance or dynamics of what is taking place but nevertheless feel the shift of the energetic template that is bringing all together in common purpose. There are also others who while accepting of the knowledge, have not yet found ways of incorporating it into their lives. They remain with their noses pressed to the windows of experience, unwilling to venture to open the door and become part of the new world. It is to these that we would like to encourage them to integrate their knowledge and understanding and to take the steps forward and embrace the new paradigm.

In order for change to manifest in your world, there must be a willingness for those that have the keys of understanding to arise and help those around them to remove their veils of illusion and accept their own divinity. Along with this acceptance comes the mandate to embrace a higher degree of achievement by putting into form the higher truths and vision of a world governed by Love and Grace. This is the blueprint for the new paradigm and all structure will be based upon this foundation. Things that are not aligned with this new energy will crumble and not withstand the rigors of change.

In order to understand the dynamics of life in this new world it might be advantageous to begin assessing the relationships and structures in your life and see which measure up to this new reality. Which are “last years fashion” and which are classics that will never go out of style because they bear the signature of the master of Love and understanding? If you would alter the world around you, you must begin by altering the building blocks of the new society. Your personal choices to find meaning and purpose within your life will become the foundation for the new earth in the making.

The building blocks of life are reassembling in the firmament of this newly forming territory. It behooves you to choose wisely how you wish to make this whole and create a new world that reflects the ideals, knowledge and substance of greater opportunities for the evolving creation. This is the call to awareness that is going forth to those who have ears to hear. The new earth is forming and you are being invited to be part of the creation. It is time and it is exciting…


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