Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Revisioning Your World

The celebration that takes place when one really “gets it” is nothing to which is experienced on the higher realms when that bar of understanding is raised ever higher signaling that this small act is helping countless others to cross this threshold as well. You might think of yourselves as merely a spec in the vast universe of souls in the earth school going through individual experiences. While this is true, it is also important to note that you are also part of a vast network of interconnected energy that is moving together in a cosmic dance.
As one amps the wattage up a notch, those downstream also feel the energetic movement and are able to tune their frequency a little higher in order to receive the signal. One and one does not only equal two but four and even sixteen as the energetic shift proceeds geometrically. This is how the transformation is being accomplished. By joining together in groups of similar intention, the pieces are coming together in divine order so that the village is giving birth to the nation and therefore the world of experience.

There is a grass-roots movement that is beginning to take place within the communities of ordinary souls who have come to the realization that they are not alone in their quest for excellence and achievement. The movers and shakers of past societies no longer function to serve those that they represent. It is time to reorganize and take back power long-abdicated and begin to reshape societies into new forms that serve the evolving nation of seekers of higher truth. As to what the societies of tomorrow would look like, might we make a few suggestions…

First it behooves those who are best able to articulate the needs and desires of the body electorate to begin defining the true nature of the association. What brings a body of people in common purpose and what do they hope to accomplish together? What needs are not being met and how does the union of like needs forge a partnership of association that can serve the masses or at least, the concerns of the immediate association? How can existing structures be reorganized, or rebuilt to redefine the scope of partnership and to include and put to use the resources of the individuals in order to facilitate the more efficient functioning of the whole? What functions might be better addressed as a group effort, and what might be better served in cooperation with others with similar needs and desires? These are merely a few of the things that an organizing body might wish to consider when reordering the functioning of the new order or association.

The reforming of societies and associations are not limited to governmental forms. Does the old model of the nuclear family still serve the purpose of its original form or has this also evolved into a new dimension of experience? Can some functions be best served in the model of a collective where things of mutual benefit might be pooled? How would a more communal form of organization serve the evolving individual as well as the collective? How might the sharing of resources and responsibilities be beneficial in an evolving society and how can individual space and freedom be preserved in order to facilitate individual growth and understanding? Without the time and space for individual processing of input and ideas, the collective becomes the organism rather than the soup where all of the individual elements are brought together into higher form. Just a few of the aspects that require consideration but important as far as the restructuring of forms of associations in the future.

If all constraints of individuation are removed and all of the members of a society operated in a realization of the oneness of all life, how different would be your present economic structures? If each contributed according to his/her abilities and needs, without thought as to hoarding for personal gain, how would goods and resources be distributed equitably in order to support and enrich the lives of the members? If all of the members of a society were evolved past the perceptions of separateness and fear of scarcity, how differently might be one’s experiences in the world of commerce?

If all legal tender were dissolved, what would be the criteria for bargaining the worth of goods and services that enrich and support each other? What do you value most highly in your life, what things do you consider priceless, and which ones have minimal value to your personal happiness? These are the kinds of questions that are the foundation of the societies that are emerging from the rubble of past experiences.

Being more experienced and wiser now in the ways of the world, how do you intend to create the world of vision and purpose that will provide a new framework for generations to come? What are “keepers” and what have served their purpose and need to be retired in favor of new, fresher ways of coexisting that honor the uniqueness of the individual and empower each to greatness while serving the requirements of the collective?

This is a time for assessment and revisioning ways to come together in Loving awareness and to restructure the associations of mutual interests that will be the framework for future generations. What can you do to create your world in ways that honor the needs of the individual and support and empower those in your association and beyond to do so as well. These are the seeds of the future that are being planted today. Cultivate then wisely for from this will become the fruits of tomorrow. How exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

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