Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Patterns of Darkness and Light

Finding one’s purpose in life is a challenge that faces all as we traverse the realms of experience. If you choose to live a life of meaningful expression in the earth school, you will be faced with many opportunities for growth and understanding. All may not seem as edifying or carry the higher vibration of exalted purpose, but they are nevertheless what is required in order to round out your dance card of experience.

And what of the things you choose that lead you into darker realms of experience? How can you reconcile the reflections of Light and dark that are mirroring the opposing dynamics of life in order to understand the completeness of experience? Often it is by experiencing the depths of darkness that we are able to make the conscious choices of the polar opposite that are illuminating the complete sphere of experience of understanding.

How limited is one’s experience when one is never given the alternative and is never able to experience the profound experience of the hand of grace offered to one in the depths of despair that can lift one up into greater understanding of the true nature of God expressed. Without appreciation of the whole of holographic experience of darkness and Light, one is only operating in the two dimensional space of understanding. When we choose to live life shallowly without stretching and extending past our level of comfort, we often fail to experience the things that not only bring us to our knees but catapult us forward to the highest levels of understanding and grace. It is in the areas where stress is the greatest and achievement the most precarious that the greatest opportunities for growth take place.

When one chooses to walk through a valley of darkness, one exposes oneself to forces that can test the core beliefs and uncover fears long buried. By volunteering on a soul level to walk on hot coals of understanding and dare to risk all in hopes of emerging transformed by the experience takes courage but also determination to extricate oneself from the fog of illusion that has obscured the higher path. Accepting one’s “fate” to live a life of misery and discomfort is a choice but one that prevents one from taking the “misfortune” and using it as a springboard to higher understanding and achievement. If it is darkest before the dawn, great challenges also bring great opportunities for transformation.

Are there those among us who do not experience periods of doubt, indecision, and abandonment? If so, perhaps they are not fully engaged in the experience of life. The patterns of life require that one recoil in order to spring forward. All of life is not meant to be experienced in maximum forward movement. It requires periods of rest, contemplation and assimilation in order to prepare for the next spring forward. Without periods of darkness that facilitate this repose, would we be able to fully appreciate the moments of enlightened movement forward. Assimilation then expansion, assimilation and expansion…

As you become more proficient in realizing the patterns of life, you will find that you welcome the darkness of winter and are able to ruminate and assimilate the harvest of growth and understanding. Time to study, observe and plan for the coming spring of inspiration before the full bloom of summer explodes in all its Light-filled glory. Such are the seasons of life played out over and over in the lives we have chosen. Allowing these patterns to manifest and enjoying the expression of each is the process of fulfillment taking form in the present.

The beauty of the darkness is only obscured when one becomes lost and fearful of the night. Without the assurance that this is only a passing phase and part of the greater cycle of experience, one is unable to realize the lessons of the dark and the appreciation of its opposite. When one looses hope and cannot see the patterns of greater possibilities forming in the shadows, this can become a quagmire of some magnitude. One must be willing to shift one’s perception and begin to discern shapes on the horizon that portend of greater opportunities for awakening. It frequently takes the darkness of the world around us to be able to make out the dim prospects for extrication that the brightness obscures. If we are blinded by the Light of prosperity, there is little motivation to reach back into the pit of darkness to rescue parts of ourselves that still need extricating.

Welcome the cycles of life in both darkness and Light for they signal that you are fully engaged in the process of life and are learning and growing in wholeness and balance. Honor the shadow and you will find that it helps define the complete you and bring the magnificence of your being into stronger focus. You are thus evolving in perfect form into a divine holograph of creation. How exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

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