Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Patterns of Contraction and Growth

Thanksgiving is certainly in order when you begin to realize that the things that you have been experiencing, though challenging, have their divine purpose in moving you rapidly up the ladder of self realization. The clearing out of old patterns is tremendously important for in doing so you free yourself to move into a higher realm of experience. Knowing that this process takes place can give you a modicum of understanding and allow you to step back far enough to recognize the patterns that are unfolding and how you might apply them in the unfolding mosaic of your life.

We wish to share some of the processes that we see taking place in your world which is continuing to transform and evolve at ever-increasing rates… First, we would like to point out that this phenomenon is not new for it as occurred at regular intervals over many millennia. It is just that this current group of aspirants have not been incarnate long enough to witness the greater pattern for themselves.

Second we would like to point out that it is also not the end of existence but merely the culmination of a cycle of growth and expansion. In every instance of expansion there must also be a corresponding period of contraction that allows for the in-breath and the out-breath of experience. You are currently what we might term an in-breath that is taking in, forming and reshuffling the pieces of your world in order to prepare it for the coming cycle. Without the dark, one would have little appreciation for the light.

You might visualize this as a jellyfish moving through the currents of life… taking the time for reflection and preparation to give you opportunity to assess the purpose and motivations of yourself and others and to see if this is really where you wish to be in the flow. If you determine that life is no longer challenging nor has meaning, or that you have ridden this horse to exhaustion, perhaps it is time to change mounts.

Once the new direction is begun and you are rested, inspired and renewed, what do you do when life is unfolding in predictable patterns and it is difficult to lift yourself out of the rut? If you choose to begin anew on an untrod path, what might you do differently that reflects your higher level of understanding and awareness? Your new travel companions may have new ideas that, once shared, will stimulate the collective imagination into creating new venues of accomplishment and growth.

When a society is locked in small rooms of individual study, it limits the coming together and sharing understanding and awareness and the potential for achievement of the One will be limited. If however, boundaries are removed, and resources are pooled, the spirit of sharing of wisdom and inspiration allows the geometric growth of new forms. You see different avenues that you failed to notice before with your blinders of complacency. Interest mounts and begins a fresh approach to life again in expanding and repeating the process in order to navigate through experience of growth, expansion, and fulfillment. Once the concept of Oneness is embraced, there will be little reason to hold back the flow of energy that will catapult the whole into a higher level of achievement.

The times of contraction are valuable as they allow and encourage all to review, rebuild and retool for the coming period of growth. Given this perspective, how might you alter your world and shift your priorities, and motivations to open new worlds of experience. The past is completed. No need to keep beating a dead horse into life. Time to remount and go forward in new directions with renewed purpose and resolve. Time to share with partners and those who carry a similar energetic signature and understanding without the impediments of fear and possessiveness in order to pool the intellectual capital and create the Loving societies of future achievement. The time is now and the possibilities are exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

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