Saturday, April 24, 2010

Soul Memories

As one develops and matures in form, there is a tendency to think that everything one is experiencing is a new experience. What many fail to take note is that learning is a cumulative thing and that true knowledge is stored in the genetic patterning (akashic records) of one’s soul journey within the causal body. This is the “baggage” one takes with him/her from lifetime to lifetime. Deep within your soul records is the cumulative encoding of all of your experiences through many incarnations. While not easily accessible to the conscious mind, this is the library of experience that allows you to draw upon past talents, abilities and emotions that you have stored away for future use.

You may have noticed that you have talents or understandings that seem to pop out of nowhere. Perhaps you were a writer of some note in a previous experience upon earth and again you are able to pick up the pen and words seem to flow through you. Perhaps with very little training you are able to pick up a musical instrument and notes and melodies fill your mind from a source deep within. These are but a couple of examples of soul memories surfacing to help guide and direct you on familiar pathways you have chosen for your soul journey.

Now complete recall of previous lifetimes would undoubtedly be such a distraction to your current experience that you would be unable to sort out the current from the past. Though heavily veiled, this is not to say that you are unable to access memories that have led you to levels of greater understanding of past experiences. Perhaps you are drawn to experiencing a different aspect of a talent or ability this time in order to flesh out the understanding of the past. Your differing viewpoints help you to empathize with the others going through a similar experience in past lifetimes and thus flesh out aspects of your compassionate nature.

Perhaps you and another have spent one or more lifetimes together exploring various aspects of a Loving experience. Once again you have been brought together to experience still another way of teaching and learning together what it means to Love another unconditionally. Not all “get it” the first time around and it is the repeated encounters with our soul partners who continue to show up lifetime after lifetime that we feel drawn to in order to continue with a lesson that was incomplete.

There will be many such souls that have soul contracts together and have chosen to travel together from incarnation to incarnation in order to complete the coursework in the earth school. Some are on the periphery of your lives, and some have recurring roles of major importance that are played out again and again over recurring sojourns in form. If you are energetically aware, you will recognize those who you feel an attachment to that goes beyond the casual that probably indicates you have a connection, and perhaps unfinished business, from previous encounters with. Thus is the nature of the patterning of life.

Being able to step back and examining the patterns of life that are playing out around you from an egoless state is the hallmark of an evolving soul on a higher level of understanding. Seeing past the surface dramas that surround us with distractions and cutting to the core issues that are calling to be resolved in a Loving manner is a sign that you have achieved a spiritual maturity and will probably not have to repeat this coursework again.

When all of the impediments to clarity are removed, you will be able to see through the fog that keeps those around you disoriented and to see clearly the patterns and directions of your soul’s journey. It is in the maturity of elderhood when one can reflect back upon life experiences from this and previous incarnations that one is able to realize the true themes and patterns of the journey Home to enlightenment. Take time to reflect upon what you have learned, how you have grown and where you wish to continue to share your experience with others upon the path and you will make good use of your time.

Allow the dramas of others to play out but do not allow them to become your reality and you will be able to see the patterns of life without being sucked into the illusions of those involved. It takes wizened souls such as yourself to see past the pitfalls you have undergone before and to allow the knowledge from deep within your soul to bring you through the storms of life, unscathed. You have the armor to transverse life in a body of Light energy if you choose to don it. Allow the still small voice of your soul to speak directly into your Knowing and you will KNOW where to go and who to take along for the ride of your lifetime. It is time and it is exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

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