Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The ability to look beyond the present and to reflect back upon the significant events in a lifetime and discern the patterns that keep playing out over and over in experience portends much illumination for the evolving soul. The theme songs of life are frequently replayed over and over until one is able to discern the real meaning of unhealthy situations and people and alter the course of one’s life experience. If you Knew that an association or event would repeat the unwanted results of past experience, why would you want to continue the present course?

This is your soul calling you to step outside this box of understanding and to become a more objective observer of the real motivation behind the event. Are you drawing to you people or experiences that are mirroring to you sides of your personality that need adjusting? Is this result of a karmic debt that you might have accumulated in previous life experiences that require understanding and rebalancing on a higher scale?

Are you selflessly acting as a mirror of understanding for others in your life drama? All lessons being played out may not be for you alone. There are others who have been drawn to you for sorting out the hidden imbalances they carry for you to shed the Light of understanding into the dark corners of their lives. The higher we rise on our own evolutionary path, the more we will be called into service to reflect our wisdom and knowledge to those struggling on their own journey. Being able to see over the heads of those in confusion and to find the clear, well marked passage out of the maelstrom is a charge that many who find themselves on the threshold of transformation are being called to do.

The patterns of experience are being revealed in increasingly more powerful ways. It is as if you have moved from a black and white version of experience into color and 3-D. Time for reflection to discern what is “real” and what is the illusion of past patterning that no longer will stand up to the scrutiny of evolving beings. While the structures and institutions of your world are crumbling, it portends much opportunity for reforming these outmoded edifices into something worthy of the new paradigm.

Being able to see past what has always been and envisioning what is calling to be reborn in a higher dimension is the mandate of evolutionary thought processes. Reforming life experiences into those that surrender the old value systems and recreate new ones that empower all to achieve greater magnificence of expression will become the new norm. Gone will be the competitive paradigm only to be replaced with one based upon empowerment, vision and integrity.

The transparency of purpose will allow structures to be reformed into new ones that both honor and empower the individual to envision new forms that are in resonance with this higher vision of achievement. The fears that are inherent in the current system of distribution of wealth will be replaced with the higher knowledge that all that is “required” will be provided while the things that merely satisfy the wants of the personality will give way to the new reality. Not an easy lesson for those who have been used to stepping on the backs of others in order to hoard the things they desire, but necessary in the shifting paradigm.

As for distribution of wealth…we might suggest that the concepts that have powered the medium of exchange will no longer be viable in a shifting economy where the true value of one’s work/service will be measured by his/her value to the society as a whole. When bartering with others, what is important to your survival and growth and what is merely window dressing for the ego? The truly wealthy will be those that provide the goods and services most needed for day-to-day functioning in a less materially based society.

The ability to step back far enough or rise higher in perspective allows one to achieve a leg up over the wall of transformation. Knowing where you are heading and how to get there allows one to move effortlessly in the stream of life, wherever it may be taking you. Being able to attune to the patterns of life and to reform those that no longer serve not only you, but those on a similar path, will be an important skill in this transition. Interesting times that are awakening countless visionaries across the cosmic grid. How exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

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