Tuesday, March 30, 2010


When one speaks of health, it is far more than just the absence of disease. True health involves the operation of all the bodies, mental, emotional as well as physical at an optimum state of homeostasis. Anything less is failing to live up to the potentiality of life. Achieving this idealist state involves a commitment to working within the design of the system, but also achieving the mental balance to override destructive directives of the ego that might instigate behaviors that compromise the integrity of the ideal.

How one goes about achieving a state of optimal health is as much a part of intention as it is what one consumes or does in the way of exercise. If one has a healthy attitude, this will go a long way towards creating that state in all areas of life. Realizing that one is capable of creating a healthy body by the mental choices one makes as well as the foods one consumes is certainly antithetical to the way “modern” medicine has perceived things to operate in the past. Getting away from the Newtonian model of the body being a complex machine and disease the result of malfunctioning of the machine, we are able to move into a more awakened view of the process. Since Einstein opened our eyes to the complex view of all matter being comprised of interacting energy fields, medicine is finally waking up to the fact that altering the energetic blueprint alters the dynamics of the cellular structure which it forms.

The mind/body connection is becoming more acceptable to medical practitioners but not nearly to the extent that is necessary to affect society to its full potentiality. If many chronic conditions could be not only reversed but eradicated by an adjustment of mental attitudes, what would be the effect on health care as we know it? Instead of pouring billions into research on specific maladies, wouldn’t it make more sense to spend a little more time expanding understanding on the complex energies that created the malfunction of the energy system that created the condition? Realizing that there is little profit incentive in eliminating the need for many pharmaceuticals that comprise “modern” health systems is certainly a major reason why many of these methods for eliminating disease have failed in the past. Perhaps what the whole “health” care system needs is an attitude adjustment.

So how does one go about creating a state of health in one’s life? We might suggest that a beginning might be to take a thorough inventory of imbalances within your body and seeing what this says about your overall state of health. If something is malfunctioning in a certain area of the physical body, what chakras or energy centers regulate the functions of that system? What mental attitudes might be associated with that energy system that might require adjusting in order to bring all systems into balance?

Health as you see is a balancing act of all energy systems on a tightrope, searching for balance. By bringing one back into alignment it will cause a shift that may uncover other interconnected systems to readjust as well. It is a dance that will become easier with time and practice but one that will have profound affect on all aspects of life.

We would like to speak a little about energetic vibration which reflects the overall resonance of the entire systems. Those that have achieved greater states of awareness carry a higher vibrational rate, while those still mired in illusionary states of fear and negativity vibrate at a lower frequency. As one raises one’s vibratory rate, one creates a state were the vibration of certain patterns of disease will no longer resonate, rendering the body “immune” to that particular frequency. This is not to say that one with a particularly high vibratory rate will not have voids in a certain area of the physical either through karmic patterning or erroneous thought patterns in the present. In such case, one may attract certain vibratory forms in order to work through that particular energetic frequency. In general, those with greater awareness also take better care of their body temple and therefore are less subject to diseases that are ego generated.

Science is making great strides in integrating the concepts of mind, body awareness into conventional medical treatment. However, health is largely something that one can create from within through awareness and a commitment to maintaining the appropriate mental and emotional attitudes that create a supportive environment for health. The body will respond to the programming it receives and the fuel it is given in order to maintain it at optimum efficiency. How healthy do you intend to be? Begin by assuming control of your own health by choosing attitudes and habits that support this vision and that is what you will create. How exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

For a free copy of Penny’s book Returning Home – A Workbook for Ascension go to the Journey of Enlightenment website http://www.JOEFound.bbnow.org. Journey of Enlightenment Foundation is now on Facebook. We invite you to sign up as a Fan.

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