Monday, March 15, 2010


[The Key] The key to forgiveness is the acceptance of the divinity of all concerned and embracing the damaged parts of the other as well as your own part in the lesson. By elevating the greater lesson of the encounter to the position of teacher and mediator in the journey of life, it releases the experience as a balloon to float free, leaving the participants in the void of understanding. By releasing the need to remain bound by this cruel master of illusion, one is able to find the Loving lesson that is obscured in the emotion of conflict.

[The Receiver] Forgiveness requires an effort on the part of the forgiver. Even if the receiver is unwilling or unable to receive the energy of Forgiveness, there is nevertheless a pattern of energy that is latent until the door is finally opened and this healing balm is allowed entrance. It may be instantaneous or persist for multiple lifetimes, but it will eventually permeate the consciousness of the receiver as it is a pattern of energy that has been set into motion by the forgiver.

[Karma] When one Forgives it begins to dissolve the bonds of karma associated with a situation. This is the universal solvent of Loving energy that is able to instigate a caustic reaction that binds one to experience. There is nothing in the realm of karmic obligation that cannot be mitigated and even removed with the Loving application of Forgiveness. It is a flow of awareness that has its genesis in the forgiver but flows profusely, engulfing both the forgiver and the receiver as well as those surrounding the energetic imbalance in the healing balm of Love expressed. The more this Loving energy is accepted, and embraced, the greater will be the healing effect.

[Cause] Forgiveness has a root cause that is based on the illusion of separateness. If one is aware of the interconnectedness of all life, it would be counterproductive to treat others less Lovingly than you treat yourself. Once you find the freeing reality of self Love, it makes sense on a higher level to share this Loving principle with those that are part of the common grid of experience. Those who have acted less than Lovingly to you have not accepted this as their reality. Mirroring Love to all is the first step in creating your new reality and allowing you the freedom to rise above the denseness of third-dimensional entanglements. The more that you are able to bring the Loving experience to any situation, the easier it will be to transform and transcend it. Forgiveness itself becomes moot when it is replaced by Loving awareness. All are One and perfect in the sight of God.

[Pain] Love coupled with Forgiveness might be thought as the universal antidote to pain which is a symptom of imbalance. Things that are begging to be resolved in a spiritual sense are often energetic imbalances that are being manifested in the physical body. Unless the source of these imbalances is addressed, the energetic flow will continue to cause pain and discomfort in order to get the attention that is required for awareness. The physical body is merely the screen upon which lessons of the soul are played out.

Underlying this physical manifestation is the patterning of many lifetimes that is the energetic matrix of the soul. How one chooses to come to terms with the imbalances in one’s life is dependent upon how much one is able to embrace the gift of unconditional Love and reflect this energy to others in the form of Forgiveness. The grace of God is freely given for all who are open to accept it. When we allow this Loving energy to flow through us into our expression with those who we have experienced conflict, we free ourselves from the blockages in our own energy systems and open these passages to health and awareness. Forgiveness might be thought of as a universal solvent of emotional blockages that opens pathways for Loving energy. It is through this grace that we find relief and inspiration to move ever higher in our journey home to God.

The process of Forgiveness begins a journey into Loving awareness that can transform and elevate us into higher resonance with the divine. It is healing on a divine level that takes place in the manifest that is available for the asking if one is willing to step forward and be part of the process and therefore the solution. It is Light in action.

I AM Metatron

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