Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Getting It

Struggle is not necessary as you traverse the earthly plane unless there is resistance. When you encounter obstacles in your path, it is usually an indicator that the things you are processing require further examination. That which we require for our soul growth frequently comes as a sheep in wolves clothing for it is the things that frighten or disturb us the most that are exactly what we require for our transformation and understanding.

Now once we identify the challenges in our life, it behooves us to carefully unwrap this “gift” of some magnitude. Discarding the outer covering, we are able to reveal the deeper motivation of our experience. What have we been keeping quietly buried that is the inner piece that fits perfectly with the counterpart that is waiting to be revealed? How can we use this key to open the lock of our awareness and catapult us higher on our journey home?

Now this is not to say that all of the pieces fit easily together. When things challenge us greatly, it is usually a sign of great resistance on our part to move freely in acceptance of the higher wisdom. Since what we resist persists, this is usually a deeply ingrained pattern that requires adjustment on our soul journey. What fears or illusions of the ego have prevented the unmasking of the hidden parts of our personality that are crying out for transmutation?

Now in these end times you may find more and more “lessons” surfacing in rapid succession in order to remove the shackles that bind you to past realities. While this is disorienting to some it can also be freeing in that you no longer are required to carry these weights placed upon you by others and are able to see through the subterfuge and reveal your more perfect countenance.

It is time to become your own person in the full glory of knowledge revealed but also accepted and integrated. This is a time of rebirth and growth on an unprecedented level. Talk about life in the fast lane…it is not just coming but it is here. The transformation has begun and continues to move us rapidly into higher realms of experience.

There are those who will become not only conduits for information but catalysts for change. As more and more is revealed to those with ears to hear, there will be a growing consensus of what is “right” and certain in an evolving society. Change seldom comes on cat feet but thunders forth given the momentum of force that has been building up. This is the culmination of many lifetimes of knowledge and experiences that is planting seeds for future worlds now unfolding.

Your vision of the world unfolding around and through you is what is shaping the coalescence of form. How do you envision your present/future experience forming? What things do you wish to transmute and what serve the higher purpose and should be retained? This is moving day on a cosmic level. It is time for housecleaning on a grand scale and the discarding of outmoded beliefs and limitations that belong to the past in order to create a new future.

Those who are unable to let go of these anchors to past realities will continue to repeat life’s lessons until they “get it”. Those who have made the connections will receive an express ticket to an exciting new world of experience. It is time for reflection, but it is also a time for action. How will you “show up” in your world that acknowledges the new realities you are creating? How do you intend your world to be different from this day forward in order to create your new reality?

You can change your world through your perceptions if you are willing to commit yourself to the process. This requires courage but it also requires a vision that will light your path when the lights grow dim and help you find a path of lightness. You are being called to become the way showers for the multitudes that have gone before and those yet to follow for the cycle of life repeats until all “get it”. Use your vision of future possibilities to create the world of your dreams and you will find yourselves on the road Home. This is truly the path to Peace and understanding. It is time to begin…

I AM Metatron

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