Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Friendship is one of the highest forms of association in the earth school. It is through our friends that we are free to explore the complexities of life without the emotional dramas of romantic encounters. True friends are able to set aside personal agendas and be honest mirrors to the other, allowing the true undistorted reflection to shine through and be amplified.

Now this is not to say that all friendships uphold this ideal. Part of the drama in the earth school results when our friends reflect back to us things we are not ready to address ourselves. We may move from friendship to friendship until we are finally able to discern the patterns in our lives that are causing us to examine these wounded parts that call us to rise above the circumstances and heal this missing part of our emotional body. True friends are able to hold the Light for the other and walk together down this higher path of understanding.

Now not all friendships are based upon healing. There are those that are based upon mutual growth and awareness. Friends allow us to mirror to each other higher concepts and understandings, filling in the missing parts until a fully rounded vision of the situation is shared. We become teachers and pupils of life through the eyes and ears of our friends in experience.

Friends are our families of choice. While we have little choice on this level of our families of origin, in our friendships we are able to align ourselves with those that more readily reflect our true selves at a soul level. We may have many friends, each of whom we have shared lifetimes with and are processing once again either unfinished business or new lessons we require for growth and understanding.

As we have spoken of before, soul families travel together from incarnation to incarnation because they share many energetic connections that find them slipping into familiar roles as alternating teachers and students in the mosaic of life. While karma plays some role in this, it is moreover a soul contract that they have agreed to honor at a soul level that brings them back together as long as is required to flesh out the form of experience until it is integrated into the understanding and awareness of the whole. These partners in life have a deep connection that transcends the surface experience and unites them at the deepest level.

Not all you might consider a friend will share this deep cosmic bond. However, more and more are being drawn together at the soul level where the unfinished business of past incarnations is being brought to the surface for examination. This is the putting the finishing touches on the thesis of life in order to prepare the participants for graduation into the higher realities. It is a coming together in celebration of lessons well learned and achievements yet to come. It is a call to celebrate lives shared together in joy and sorrow and shared revelations of long held understandings.

The depth and breadth of friendships are finding new meaning in these end times. Friendships of a cosmic nature have little resemblance to the superficial associations of previous generations. Those that have been able to open themselves to deeper, more meaningful sharing with those they have called into association as their soul siblings will find that these cosmic friends are able to show us how to put together the remaining pieces of our lives and to find higher purpose and direction when we seem to have lost our way.
It is our friends that are able to examine the back or dark side of our lives and bring into awareness these obscured flaws in the fabric of our lives in order to work together to restore the wholeness of health and awareness. They are the true guardians of our soul for they unflinchingly are helping us move forward into our Light. The magic of friendship is a bond that transcends many incarnations as we weave a tighter fabric of experience with those with whom we have chosen to share our lives.

Time to give thanks and appreciation for the true friends in our lives who are helping us find our way out of the darkness and into a higher vision of where we have come from and where we are going together. Friends are our Light upon the path and the shelter from the storms of life. They are blessed reflections of our soul at work in the experience of life. They are different aspects being reflected to us in awareness through the eyes of others. They are Love in action…

I AM Metatron

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