Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Your Higher Self is Calling

The feelings that help you integrate your heart and your emotional body are also valuable in that they help give direction to your journey. These subtle energy reminders are meant to help you adjust the “GPS” of your life into ways that are in sync with your soul purpose. If you pay attention to the feelings that you have around a person or a situation in your life, you will be able to move effortlessly on the higher path of experience.

Now when we say effortlessly, we do not necessarily mean without drama and adventure. Life lived in the fullness of experience calls us to be in the rapids of the current of experience. It merely means that your craft is not only seaworthy but well suited to handle the storms and obstacles and to navigate around the whirlpools that might suck under a less experienced crew. The effortless part means that the patterns are obvious and you are fully able to handle even the roughest sees by rising above the chaos and turbulence and follow the route you Know to be leading to higher ground.

There is a peace that is inherent in being fully attuned to life. This is what will be required in the weeks and months ahead as unseaworthy institutions and constructions based on false premises begin to shake and fall, only to be rebuilt upon a firmer foundation. This is a cosmic wrecking ball that is selectively restoring higher order to the foundational elements of society in order to correct the inherent imbalances that have taken form through greed, mistrust and illusion. While many built upon a stronger foundation of Loving service may be spared, there will be a necessary restructuring and balancing that must take place in order to redefine the world that you are living in.

While the weather is certainly a harbinger of the erratic nature of turbulence around you, there are other factors that are sorting themselves out as well. The volatile energy patterns are causing people to rethink who they are and the greater purpose of their lives. It is not enough to sit idly by and allow yourselves to be tossed and turned by the whims of nature. Many are awakening to a new day of opportunity and possibilities. It is an awakening after the storm has wrecked havoc and sifting through the debris to find the salvageable, but also envisioning the new life that needs to be constructed out of the rubble.

If you could start today (which you can) rebuilding your life into one of higher purpose and Loving understanding, what would it look like? Suppose there were a clean slate before you (which there is) would you still repeat the outmoded patterns of the past or would you envision a more radiant future of greater meaning and substance, making every effort one of higher vision and clarity? How would you restructure the activities of your life in order to build on the greater understanding of meaning and purpose? If you determine not to let the ego dictate your new agenda, how would this play out in your association with others? How much are you willing to default to the illusions and beliefs of society when you Know that you are the keeper of the Truth of your own wisdom?

Times are calling for all to step up to the plate and find their own inner wisdom. You Know what to be in your highest good if only you can shut out the chatter of a world gone mad and listen to your voice of reason. The extent to which you are willing to head this divine message is dependent upon your ability to live in balance and integrity in your life. You Know the higher path. It is time to step forward and begin the journey of your life in awareness that this is the fast track to understanding and fulfillment. Your Higher Self is calling…It is time…

I AM Metatron

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