Saturday, February 13, 2010



While those around you may be stuck in the illusions of the third-dimensional world, we would like to give you a vision of yow you might transcend this reality by altering your perspective and intentions…First we might suggest that you begin with the relationships in your life. If you are mired in the belief that those around you are operating with less than altruistic motives then that will be your experience. If you believe that you are incapable of achieving your desires then that will also be your experiences. For, as you Know, you call to you the experiences that resonate with your vision of reality. However, if you live each day in the wonder and expectation that all will be manifested in perfect resonance with your soul purpose, then that will also be your reality. It is all a matter of intention and perspective.

Now this is not to say that if you “believe” all will turn out rosy, but that it is in fact what you require for your growth and understanding. It allows you to embrace the challenges as well as the opportunities in an atmosphere of appreciation for you Know that the higher good will ultimately be achieved.

It is the fear of the unknown that frequently holds us back from achieving our highest potential. If we are afraid to step forward with our interaction with others and express our truth, then we will be unable to receive the gift of their understanding and appreciation. We must first be able to open the door of courage if we expect to find those who are there to teach us new lessons in Love. This is not to say that the journey will be without the ups and downs of experience for that is how we grow and evolve, but without the first step forward, the journey of discovery will not begin.

The same goes for the other areas of life. Standing under a shelter, waiting for all of the clouds to pass may not be the most effective course if you wish to engage in the maelstrom of life. Getting wet is required for in such you become part of the process and therefore are able to envision the solution. It is the passion that we bring to our experiences that allows us to experience the ecstasy that is possible when we put ourselves out into the flow of life. Mediocre efforts generate mediocre responses. A life fully lived with passion and integrity assures that all of one’s experiences will be soulful and extraordinary.
So how do you extricate yourself from the rut of mediocrity? We might suggest going within and contemplating the things, ideas, or people that stir your soul. What inspires your imagination? What intrigues you to explore and experience more? Who do you feel more alive and engaged in the moment with? Perhaps these are the areas worth exploring.

Finding passion in life can be one of the most glorious experiences, especially if you are able to couple this with motivation to follow this light of inspiration. Finding the things/experiences/people that are the sparks to achievement can be an exhilarating experience. Being able to follow through and step forward in order to receive the gifts your soul is offering you through this experience is a journey of the highest order. Finding the courage to step forward on this soul’s journey is the “knighthood” of achievement you have been striving for.

How will you take the things that you are passionate about and use them as a beacon to direct the focus of your journey and achieve magnificence beyond your imagination? Time to think a little deeper and find the passion in your life in order to transcend the mundane. Time is calling…

I AM Metatron

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