Saturday, February 13, 2010

Conflict Resolution

Frustration occurs when one is unable to find levels of compromise and agreement between what one believes to be true and desirable and that of the world of experience. Since all do not come from identical levels of understanding and acceptance of the true nature of the universe, it is more about finding a common “language” in which to converse. As many around you have bought into a fear-based perception that does not understand the unlimited resources at their disposal, you may find it challenging when dealing with them in a Loving way.

We first might suggest that you begin by finding common areas of agreement. What truths do you share that reflect a higher purpose? By then expanding this to show how you have used these to build upon a Loving foundation and share the ways that you have been able to come to conclusions that reflect your more Loving perspective should help them to evolve their own erroneous thinking patterns. It about retraining the mind to stretch farther and higher, bypassing the old patterns that no longer serve the present reality. This is not your father’s world but has evolved and these are the new rules of engagement.

The more you are able to come from a place of Love and acceptance, honoring the other exactly where they are, the greater will be your chance for success. Finding common truths that are the foundation for growth together is the key. If you cannot speak with one tongue in some way, there is little hope of finding common paths to tread together.

Another important aspect of this is the recognition and appreciation of the other. Everyone needs to be acknowledged for their presence and achievements in order to feel self worth. Many have not evolved past the egocentric world they inhabit and are unable to move into a space of selflessness and unity. Acceptance that this is THEIR reality gives you greater understanding of their mindset and vocabulary in order to both honor the things they hold dear and show them how they might take these building blocks and move fearlessly into an expanded vista of possibilities. Not stretching the truth but expanding their vision into greater levels of possibility.

The key to all of this is being willing to take the time to expand minds and grow together rather than give up in frustration or rage and create walls of intolerance and mistrust. Too often we dismiss these teachable moments when we are being called into greater understanding and growth together. Where there is conflict, there is the opportunity for growth by both parties and opportunities to find Loving solutions to challenging areas of interaction.

Being able to step back/higher and look at the situation and the deeper reasons for the impasse is maturity and understanding taken to a higher level. How is this impasse teaching you and the other to see life from an elevated perspective and to find Loving solutions to “problems” that you have come together to work through? When you allow yourself the luxury of time to ponder and reflect the deeper meaning of this interaction rather than “flying off the handle” and giving an ego-driven response, you are able to graduate to the rank of sage and purveyor of higher wisdom.

Now you Know that Truth is not always welcomed by those who are struggling in the deep waters of illusion. Think of the drowning man who is capable of pulling down the rescuer in an attempt to keep his own head above water. It is imperative that you find ways of offering bits of substance at arms length, slowly calming the misdirected energy of the encounter until both are able to find a rational path. Once both feel heard and appreciated, it is much easier to find a mutual path to walk together.

The coming together in higher purpose will give many opportunities for interaction with those struggling with their old “realities”. It is like walking a mine field, laced with opportunities for conflict and degradation. Those who have seen past the illusions of this tormented world will be able to walk above this terrain, in the world but not part of it until the missteps of others force us down into conflict. Being able to diffuse the ordinance and gather those in harms way into a common path of belief and understanding is an important aspect of not only conflict resolution but growth and understanding. It is time to find ways of coming together as One in the minefield of life. It is time…

I AM Metatron

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