Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Game Plan

When you put yourself out there in the world of experience, it is a signal to others that you are “in the game” of life. Those around you that have heard the opening bell are also fully engaged and ready to “play ball”. How you go about executing the plays of engagement will ultimately be determined by the game plan your soul has encoded that you will fall back on when instinct takes over. The lessons you require are always the prime motivating factor in experience. They are what call you energetically to participation in the game of experience.

Now given the rules of life that are inherent in the dimension of experience you are playing in, there are mitigating factors that can alter your game plan and either send you to the bench to regroup or move you to a higher level. Say you have completed the first quarter of life to perfection and completed all the plays you require for achievement. What is to say that you must continue at that level when you could be promoted to a higher one for advance studies? Given the higher energetic flow of current experience, it is possible to advance several grade levels on the vibrational scale in a lifetime that might have taken many others in previous times. The time is being accelerated but also the level of experience is higher so souls that have achieved the higher level understanding and moved beyond the challenges of fear and egotism are able to move deftly into new and exciting venues of experience.

Now what might challenge you to new adventures once you have arrived in this rarefied state? We might suggest that again you look within to the themes of your life that have a recurring melody that has played over and over in your head throughout your incarnation. This is undoubtedly something your soul has programmed to help you find your way Home. In what ways have these lessons defined the path you have taken and what is the next logical level of experience that is taking you to a more challenging and elevated venue of experience? How have all of the “failures” in your life opened doors of awareness that have now come full circle and allowed you to break through the barriers that you have faced in your life?

When one faces obstacles in life it usually means that you would be wise to step back and evaluate the situation. Is this really the path that is in your highest and best good or merely something that has the fingerprints of the ego all over it? Is there a better, more evolved way of approaching the situation that can lead you higher and more productively toward the goal? Would you be better served in finding another area of pursuit? All valid questions and ones that bare some scrutiny when times get tough and things do not seem to be working out as planned.

While the path of least resistance is not always the wisest choice, things that challenge and obstruct the flow of energy should be signposts that perhaps more thought should be given to understanding the true motivation of your actions and how they might affect the greater mosaic of life. While seemingly valid in the microcosm, the far-reaching affects of the process on the macrocosm of life could prove detrimental to the balance and energy of the whole. Trying to see the larger picture of life and those that are affected by the ripple of our choices is a good way of integrating individual experience into the fabric of the whole.

As more and more are drawn together into a tighter web of expression, you will be able to discern the patterns that are forming and the threads that are weaving themselves into the garments of your life. Shifting colors and frequencies of Light energy that are illuminating the complexity but also the exquisite nature of life lived in concert with higher purpose and those who have chosen to be part of this grand experience unfolding. This is the magic carpet that will take you higher that you are weaving together in concert with those you have chosen for this transformational period of experience. There are no random moments and all is coming together in the fine texture of integration of time, form and Light energy. It is time to see the fulfillment of the process. It is time…

I AM Metatron

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