Saturday, February 13, 2010


Finding a direction and purpose in life can be a lifelong pursuit. Just when you feel you have mastered the nuances of the journey, along comes a roadblock that will take you in a new direction. This is merely your soul directing your growth and understanding into new areas for exploration. The status quo is never meant to be the place for the final destination, but merely a stopping place for reflection and integration. The true destination is always ahead, waiting to be explored.

Now the goals of your life as seen from a soul’s perspective are never in terms of monetary or social achievement. When you are plotting the course of your life you are well served to view it as a series of milestones in understanding. Your experiences are meant to challenge you to reach higher and to make the connections you require to get you closer to your final destination. All else is gift wrappings that disguise the true treasure of enlightenment.

Given this, how do you go about sifting through the opportunities that come your way for exploration? We might suggest that along with vibration and feelings you have regarding the choices in your life you might also wish to look at those that seem to serve a broader, more far-reaching purpose. Those that are from a source that connects others on the cosmic grid are necessarily more inclusive because they serve the higher purpose of connection and group dynamics in understanding.

While solitary pursuits are necessary in order to achieve clarity, the next step is finding ways of sharing this basic understanding with those of your association. If all are One and merely different aspects of the common experience, it stands to reason that things that enrich the lives of a single cell will influence not only the surrounding cells but the overall health of the total body. How do your choices in life create a higher vibration of health and harmony that help bring the cellular body of God into divine resonance?

While you might consider your experience to be solitary and meaningless in the overall experience of life being lived in concert with those around you, this is were true change begins. As one breaks away from preestablished patterns and moves into a new form of experience, others will be attracted to follow this new pattern that is forming around this nucleus of inspiration. Those that are resonating at this new frequency will be attracted to this new vibration and will feel attraction and therefore move out of their limiting pattern as well. Thus societies, attitudes and achievements are moved from inertia into growth in new and more positive ways.

So how do you go about changing the limiting patterns of your life? We might suggest that examination of what in your life feels stale or used up might be the first step to take. If you were to discard these no longer relative facets of your life, what might you do differently that would lead you onto a new path of discovery? If your life were a blank slate (which it is) and you were free from all encumbrances and restrictions, how might you restructure it in ways that are more Joyful and challenging?

We say challenge because that is what you are being called to do – something that moves you past what you have known and experienced and into uncharted waters of growth. Without the things that challenge us to push harder and farther, life is one of mediocrity of the known. What new challenges do you wish to bring to your life that calls to you from afar, beckoning you onward? How can you become a seed of growth that will draw to you all you require to become the magnificence of your new aspect of being? Time to step out of the shallows and move into deeper waters where the currents are swift but the channels deep and the opportunities for exploration unlimited. Freedom to ride the waves of possibilities is there if you are willing to move forward into a life of unlimited wonder and Joy. It is time…

I AM Metatron.

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