Saturday, February 13, 2010


When you come from Light and Love in all that you do, you create an energetic field around you that attracts to you the people and experiences that resonate with that energy. Now this is not to say that all carry that same frequency, but in some way, they are searching for connections that mirror that understanding. Choosing to interact with those who carry a slightly higher frequency than your own is one way that we continue to grow past the limiting beliefs of our understanding and to rise above the mediocrity of our past experiences.

How do you choose those that you wish to share your most valuable commodity, time, with? We might suggest that you begin to evaluate what is being served and what is gained by each association. How do you enrich each other with your shared wisdom and insights? Do you each contribute to the other’s understanding on a higher level or is it all about trading gossip or rehashing past encounters and experiences? Have you outgrown the friendship or is it dynamic and growing in awareness? Time to evaluate and decide whether you wish to take this to a higher level or close that door in order to open the next.

Now it is in the associations in our lives that we have the greatest possibility for discovery and awareness. Choosing those to interact with that you resonate with is fine if they also are committed to learning and growing together. One of the advantages of intimate partnerships is that they are able to integrate and reflect on new ideas and encounters in a safe, supportive environment, exploring different aspects of the information and helping to process and file away new information. In this case intimacy implies that both partners are serving the other on a higher level of understanding and awareness.

Romantic intimacy requires a deeper level of trust when one is committed to the soul growth and expansion of the other. It is a stripping away of barriers and pretenses in order to merge with the essence of the other to attain a higher level of communion. It is through the eyes of our intimate partners that we find the mirrors of our soul that are calling to us to heal and grow together. What are you willing to reveal to another in order to allow the healing balm of introspection and discovery coalesce into the new skin of awareness?

Part of the journey of awareness comes into form when we allow ourselves to become revealed to a greater audience of aspirants. Being able to express vulnerability and to unmask ourselves, warts and all, to those you would connect with on a larger scale can be the difference between mediocrity and brilliance. The truly great speakers and those that are able to motivate others into action are the ones who are able to connect with their audience in ways that touch a common cord of understanding but also make them feel that they are speaking from within their own inner wisdom and sharing at a soul level.

The more you are able to share your doubts and foibles with others as well as your conclusions and inspirations, the more you empower them to rise above their circumstances and forge a new path of higher understanding. It is after all, not the challenges we have faced in our lives which are merely promptings of our soul into growth and understanding, but how we deal with them in higher truth that determines how high we will rise in our own spiritual journey.

Understanding is seldom a “light bulb” moment but more often a culmination of many pieces of the puzzle of awareness coming together until one is able to make out the grander picture that is forming. In these times we are being called to hasten the process by bringing together more pieces from the archives of previous incarnations that are coming together to flesh out the framework of this lifetime. It is a culmination of many sojourns on earth and beyond that have prepared you for this final leap across the chasm of higher awareness. You will find many missing pieces that you have “forgotten” but are, in fact, part of your cellular patterning that is surfacing just as you require it for integration. You Know things but do not understand how you Know them. It is surfacing for assimilation into your more complete body of Light energy that is the culmination of your experiences in form. Be willing to integrate these new particles of Truth for they represent hard-won lessons of awareness that will serve you well in the coming times. All is perfect and is pointing you on a higher path of discovery. It is time.

I AM Metatron

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