Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Healing Process

The concept of Forgiveness lies at the core of the healing process. Now when we say healing we are speaking about the process of restoring the entire subtle energy system to balance and integrity.


Imbalances are manifested in the physical body but have their genesis in the subtle energy bodies. The physical body is merely the manifestation of the energy that is contained in the more subtle energy bodies. This is where the “rubber meets the road” so to speak and where all of the processes surrounding the manifestation of the soul’s energy are displayed in the third dimension. It reflects the balances and imbalances of all of the energy bodies. When there is a disturbance in one of the energy fields for whatever reason it will eventually be reflected in the physical body.

The etheric body that contains the “blueprints” or template for the physical body is the conductor of the energy or chi that flows through the physical body. While not the originator of this energy, it nevertheless directs it to the appropriate centers much as a flight controller would direct planes onto the appropriate runway. All energetic responses pass through this body in order to be manifested into form.

The causal body is another interface in the energy network. In it one finds the patterning of not only thought but reason and the stored information from the experiences of many lifetimes. You might wish to think of this as the library of the soul where one stores the information required in order to process thought and reason.

It is in the emotional body where we process much of the input from our environment. You might think of this as the generating station where sparks are created that begin the process of movement. Being the most volatile, this is where much activity takes place and where there is a greater possibility for misdirection of energy. If one picks up energy from others in one’s environment and is not able to process this and interpret it correctly, it will be misdirected into erroneous pathways through the mental body causing an erratic energy flow into the body.

The emotional body is often where we perceive input from the world around us and begin to “classify” the energetic responses that we receive. If we have well established pathways through the mental body we are able to sort out these feelings and emotions and process these in constructive ways. Those with damaged emotional response systems are unable to make the appropriate connections and often behave erratically in response to misdirected information.

If, for instance , one has an erroneous thought pattern such as jealousy, this can originate in the emotional body where it festers until it moves due to the underlying conditions of lack of self worth and an erroneous belief that there is a finite amount of Love to be shared and that we might be denied our “fair share”. As the emotions surrounding this illusion continue to build and find expression they will spill over into the mental body causing erroneous thought patterns based upon false assumptions and finally in the etheric body where they take root in the patterning of the physical body. The neurons of the physical body transmit impulses to the muscles, brain and organs that correspond to the pattern of imbalance that has been instigated by this emotion and the body begins to move into defensive mode that corresponds to this pattern of instability.

We give you this simple explanation in order to lay the framework for your questions regarding chi and the process of forgiveness. When one is unable to feel and process feelings of Love it is usually that there is a blockage or distortion in the emotional body. This is like a muscle and can almost atrophy if one chooses to direct all input through the mental body for processing. In a balanced individual these two bodies work in tandem and are able to process input in a mutually beneficial way. When through life experience situations occur that make it difficult or painful to experience an emotional response, one might redirect input through the intellect and bypass the emotions. This can become a pattern unless these circuits are restored.

In order to reverse this process and to turn the tide of experience, it is necessary to stem the flow of energy along these neurological and subtle energy pathways. The regulator that controls the valve of energy is governed by the operator of the soul that turns on or off the various response systems in order to adjust the flow of experience. The energy of Forgiveness might be thought of as the handmaiden of Love in that it opens the door for the higher flow of Loving energy (the substance of the God source) to permeate the subtle energy environment and transform the misqualified emotions into a finer energy of Forgiveness. This is the genesis of the process that begins the journey of transformation.

On an emotional level this is a freeing of tension and rigidity that keeps one bound to the illusions of the past and prevents forward motion until this blockage in the emotional body is transmuted. If one is held hostage by unresolved emotional constrictions, one is unable to receive the Loving awareness that surrounds all experience. Without Forgiveness on the subtle energy level it will be like a cramped muscle that cannot function properly until the energy is released. Forgiveness is a tool for unlocking and restoring the energy flow between the subtle energy bodies.

I AM Metatron

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