Tuesday, April 13, 2010


When you begin the process of manifestation through your intentions, either consciously or through a soul directive, there is a tendency to allow the ego to call the shots. This is where the waters become murky as we tend to muddy them with all of the desires that attach us to the outcomes we wish to achieve. Far more effective in the process would be if one would instead begin by visualizing the way we wish to feel and experience, once the desired outcome is achieved rather than the nuts and bolts of the process required to get there.
When we channel the experiences of our lives through our heart center, we begin to connect with the higher purpose of our understanding. All of life’s dramas come enclosed in the greater package of Loving awareness. If, instead of discarding the wrappings, we are able to see through the glitter of the achievement and reflect upon the deeper meaning of the encounter, we will be able to discern the higher purpose of our journey and how it is leading us back to the Loving principles we are called to experience. If all lessons in the earth school are leading us Home to God, how does our higher understanding of this experience show us but another face of this divine hologram of Unconditional Love?

All that is being manifested is a product of the materials used in the construction. The higher quality the materials, the higher quality of the finished product. Will your creations be built with Loving hands and higher intentions or will they be constructed of the shoddy materials and workmanship called for in the specifications defined by the ego? Is this structure meant to stand the test of time and endure and inspire future generations to greatness and self discovery or is it meant as just a temporary shelter from the storms of life only to dissolve in the turbulence of the times at hand? Are you willing to reach higher than your present grasp in order to move past the perceived impediments in your understanding in order to grasp the brass ring of possibilities?
Once you have set the intention for higher achievement, who do you wish to bring along for the process? Will you surround yourself with skilled craftsmen who are able to provide the knowledge and abilities to see this through, supplying their required wisdom to exceed expectations? Or are you willing to sacrifice excellence in favor of the “good old boys” of past associations who may have lost their motivation for excellence? If a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, what are the weak links in your process that could derail the whole experience and what might you do to bolster up and inspire these elements to greatness that might be able to assure the success of the outcome?

We are being called into service on many levels in these chaotic times. Much of what we are able to achieve depends upon our willingness to operate “outside the box” of past achievement and envisioning new ways of not only achieving desired results but taking it a step further backwards and seeing if the entire effort continues to reflect the Loving awareness of its prime purpose. Perhaps the foundation of society and structures no longer meet the needs of the new paradigm. Perhaps the most Loving thing one can do is to do nothing and allow the outmoded edifices to greed and indifference implode in order to reform them from the ashes.

The phoenix of a new society is being born out the ashes of the old. What do you wish to manifest for yourself and for the others that may not possess the vision and awareness to see beyond the present and create a new experience based on the stronger foundation of Loving awareness? Begin to assess the end results you wish to achieve and clear out everything that no longer is relevant to that end and you will begin to see how your world will evolve in the divine blueprint of creation. It is happening in the sparks of inspiration that are building around you. It is time and it is exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

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