Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Inspired Leadership

Chaotic times call for radically different approaches to problem solving. If you are mired in the consequences of an out-of-control maelstrom, doesn’t it make sense to find shelter and reassess the options at hand? Do you continue in the same destructive path? Do you find a more promising route? Or do you withdraw from the fray, hoping others will exhibit more bravery and foresight and help lead you out of the turbulence? While all approaches may be valid in certain circumstances, it is the leaders of the new paradigm that are being called forth to assume positions of vision and leadership.

Are you able to assess conditions without being sucked in by not only fear and negativity, but the hidden agendas of others that share this precarious perch? Are you able to see clearly and objectively around obstacles placed in your path by the ego? Are you unswayed by the illusions of scarcity and mistrust purveyed by those who do not accept the oneness of experience? Do you have the courage and perseverance to continue a route you KNOW to be in the best interest of all concerned, despite “popular opinion”? These are the qualities of visionary leadership that will be required in the coming era of chaos.

As to how you might go about assuming the reins of power and leadership…We might suggest that example is still the most persuasive tool for change, when all are grasping at straws of inspiration. Those that are calmly moving through turbulent waters, in self assurance and vision will begin to emerge when all is in chaos. It is those that have mastered the nuances of achievement and balance that will stand out in the crowd of those that are searching for clues for their own survival. This is what you are called to do by your Higher Self.

If you are able to calmly and convincingly state with authority, how you perceive the world around you and how you have chosen to transform your reality with honor and awareness, you will speak louder and more sincerely than those that are attempting to run over the meek with declarations that are alarmist and self-serving. The emperor does indeed have no clothes and those that continue to espouse false and misleading platitudes of expired reality will soon be seen to be without substance and will find themselves not only discredited but disgraced.

The scoundrels and charlatans of society are being unmasked and their true colors are being displayed for all to see. Time to ally yourselves with those who speak softly and confidently and radiate the Light of Truth and Integrity in all that they do. The survivors, but more so the champions of the new reality, are found in the meek visionaries with patience and foresight who are willing to move carefully and resolutely toward the distant goals without the interference from the hysteria of others whose world is built upon the shifting sand of outdated illusions.

It is inner wisdom and personal courage to follow that which one KNOWS on a higher level that will direct the path to higher achievement. Those that are content to allow others to lead them down faulty or well worn paths of past folly will find themselves walking in circles until resources are depleted. The visionaries of a brighter tomorrow are receiving their orders from within and are willing to act in ways that they KNOW to be in higher purpose, despite the illusion of impermanence.

This is a bridge to the future that is being built out of the firmament of new thought that is taking form in the etheric. Continue to envision the building blocks you Know to be part of the solution and you will assist others with similar foresight and wisdom to create the new world of tomorrow, filled wit the higher energy of Light and Love made manifest in form. The time is now and it is exciting…

I AM Brugh Joy

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