Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As you are finding, friendship is a deep form of Love that has transcended the carnal aspects of relationship and allows two souls to unite on level of understanding and appreciation. In the new dynamic of growth and awareness, there are more and more relationships that can be called friendships because they meet the new criteria of expression.

As fear ceases to be the controlling factor in life and is being replaced with the presence of Love, relationships are morphing into something of a higher nature as well. As the ego takes the back seat to soul expression, there is a falling away of the old paradigm related to fear. If all souls are whole and complete and know it, what is there to fear from engaging in multiple partners on a level of friendship? If misguided emotions such as jealousy and possessiveness were no longer the norm, what would prevent your opening up to others on a soul level and sharing at the level of friendship? What in your present experience prevents you from befriending each other and thus facilitating their growth and awareness?

That is in fact the basis for friendship. There is a mutual support and assurance to be gained in the expression of friendship that cannot be experienced in the solitary. We look to our friends to hold the mirror for us and to show us the spots we cannot see because we are blinded by our ego. True friends will tell us what is true and not just what we want to hear. They are our partners in ascension.

So what prevents us from the experience of friendship? Again it comes down to the aspect of fear. Are we willing to face the illusions of who we believe ourselves to be and to see them dissolving into the magnificence we really are. What would happen if others saw us “warts and all” and found that we were all “flawed” and longing to be healed through the friendship of another? How willing are we to be vulnerable in the eyes of another? How is our soul calling to us to be made whole in the eyes of our friend?

It is in the stripping away of the illusions in life that we crack open the shell of separateness and emerge into a new world of expanded possibilities. It is our true friends that are there and assist in the process because they know that we are doing the same for them. Friends are there to help you over the rough spots but also to share in the “good stuff” as well.

As friendships evolve because we no longer share the illusions of lack, there is no longer a competition for “limited” resources. In a world of abundance, we are able to assist each other in achieving and receiving all the bounty of God’s Love they can hold and wish to receive. We are able to share in the wealth of experience in unselfish gratitude because we all “get it” and it is magnificent and joyous.

Friendship is one of the truest expressions of Love because it is pure, unblemished and selfless. This is the new paradigm that is being revealed and emerging in form. It is Love in action.


1 comment:

  1. Really like your writing. Thank you for posting this article on Friendship.
