Thursday, October 14, 2010


The subject of addictions is complex in that it has many aspects as well as “cures”. The root of all addictive behavior is in the belief that one is not an embodiment of their God-self and capable of facing life without distraction or crutches. If one feels “helpless”, one is vulnerable to the whims and illusions of the personality that prey on the “helpless”. It does not take super-human strength to overcome the urges but a willingness to look deeper and discover the motivating factors of the belief.

Certainly one common thread that connects the “victims” of addiction is just that – they believe that outside forces are to blame for the situation. If my innate goodness (Godness) is hijacked by beliefs that point outside of me, how can I hope to restore something that is beyond my control? It is frequently when we return our power to the inner guidance and remove the distractions and illusions of the outer that we are able to hear the still small voice within that beckons us ever higher to self-realization.

Certainly there are chemical factors in the physical body that play a part in the equation. In chemical dependency, it is necessary to rid oneself from the deleterious effects of the offending substance in order to clear the body of its effects. Once that it is accomplished, there is a need to reprogram the emotional and etheric bodies to associate different behaviors with the trigger substance. It is a combined effort of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies that are joining forces to turn this out of control train of destructive behavior around and redirect all the body’s systems into new directions with new responses.

As for the emotional component – most addictions are attempts to numb pain. If one is feeling emotional or physical pain the usual response is to try to alleviate the suffering with the most convenient tool at hand. If you are feeling stressed, anxious, and fearful, you are likely to try to alleviate the condition of imbalance with the easiest remedy rather than looking deeper at the underlying cause of the imbalance. Self-honesty can be the prime corrective if one is willing to get at the root causes of any addiction rather than just focusing on the symptoms. Until one fixes the drip of emotional leakage at the source you will be forever mopping up the spill down the line.

At the root of all addiction is the feeling of loneliness (aloneness) when one feels alienated and separate from the world and those around them. The disconnection from the stream of life and the Loving energy inherent in self-belief and self-Love create a perceived need to fill this well of understanding with whatever substance or emotion is available. Since this well is bottomless without the presence of Love, this is a downward spiral of self-deception. Only when one is willing to look oneself honestly in the mirror of truth can one begin to ascend into the Light.

The roller coaster of addictive behavior may have many dips and turns as one begins to regain the balance in one’s life. Momentary slips and self-questioning are possible as new insights are revealed and dealt with. This is seldom a disorder with a single cause as more layers of the onion are peeled and more insights must be dealt with and resolved. However, if one is truly committed to a process of self-growth and self-realization, the patterns and behavior can be redirected into more positive and healthful ways.

Once one has moved back into the Light of Self-Love and Self-Forgiveness, they are free to turn and assist those behind them to extricate themselves as well. This is a chain of growth and self- realization that is forging that can help extricate many from the quagmire of the earth school. There is a new paradigm that is being created of life beyond the hold of addiction. The change begins one day at a time for those who have committed to the path to wholeness. Begin to share the vision of clarity and you will encourage others to move beyond their own shackles into a brighter reality. Go in Love and Peace…


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