Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Reforming Life

The times, though tumultuous, are filled with opportunities and possibilities for growth, understanding and self realization. Many are being called to other locals to pick up “course work” they may have been missing this time around. Many are being brought to task for failing to find a loving expression in their work or dealings with others. This is a mop up time that is causing many to examine the things that are really important in their lives and those which have been merely illusions or diversions from the real purpose of their journey.

As plans are changed and courses altered, there is an opportunity for growth beyond measure. Beneath the surface “doings” is the motivation that is finding expression in form. If you are willing to examine the source of your beliefs and see how this is manifesting in form, you will have some indication as to what your soul is trying to tell you. By stepping back far enough, the patterns of life begin to emerge with greater clarity.

As for what you might wish to do to create a different outcome, we might recommend that realizing what is deleterious to your growth and not in your highest and best good is the first step. Letting go of the pattern that created the situation (and perhaps others like it) allows the dissolution of the fantasy surrounding its presence. By seeing something that may have been profoundly wished for “warts and all” and not through the rose colored glasses of hope allows you to confront the true picture of your life in the present.

Now we say present only because this is all that is. Past experience and future probabilities are no indication of what is currently going on. While they are indicators of trends, all is subject to change in the moment given the aspect of free will. Predicting the future may be easier if one takes into account past experience but all is subject to change given decisions of the present. Living in the moment without requirements or conditions allows you to alter your future moment by moment by choosing the higher path (if you are so motivated) in each instance and thus moving through the sludge of the illusionary state.

Given this perspective…what might you do if you find yourself mired in a difunctionary state? We might suggest that examining your life and resources that support a desired outcome might be a preliminary step. By concentrating on the things in life that support the new vision, you give them energy and begin to attract opportunities that support the more positive outcome. Allowing the disillusion of past associations, activities and dramas that were no longer life affirming and supportive of the new vision is also an important part of creating the new life you desire. Allowing the illusions of others to obscure what you Know to be in your best interest is a smokescreen that you must be willing to avoid if you are to maintain your course of action.

Continual reality checks from within and testing yourself to see if something is really congruent with the new path will strengthen the muscles of resolve that will keep you on the higher path of achievement. Distancing yourself from people, places and things that no longer support the new vision are part of the process necessary to break free of the chains that bind you to past experiences. The stronger you become and the more resolve you have to overcome and relearn the lessons, the greater will become your capacity for achievement. One step at a time until the walk becomes a run that will take you away from the hold of the illusion and into the Light of higher reality.

Many are making decisions that embrace the higher aspects of their journey. New societies and communities are forming around higher visions of working together in mutual love and respect. As you venture forth into uncharted waters be aware of the signs of others who share the new dream. Together you will be pulled into associations of resonance as the few coalesce into the many in new forms. It is restructuring and reorienting on similar levels of vibration that is creating the structural basis for a new earth. The process of self selection is taking form in new ways and there is an emergence of the new, built upon the knowledge of the past but with a higher energetic imprint. Awaken to the new dawn of association for it has much to offer and is fulfilling the longings of your soul purpose. Awaken for the time is now.


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