Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Choosing Growth

The upstart of growth is that you are no longer rooted in beliefs that tie you to past realities. If you have grown beyond the need to experience a former perception, it is appropriate to discard this prior stepping stone and to allow it to melt away so that you are no longer able to fall back upon outmoded perceptions.

This is a time of great growth and understanding. The events in life are propelling you ever forward into uncharted waters of experience. The vast accumulation of knowledge of past encounters has served you well but they are no longer relevant. Time to begin anew to create the reality.

As you move forward in the new environment, it is tempting to reach back in your memory and retrieve the familiar. We might offer that only the elements that carry the higher vibration of truth will find resonance in your new environment. The building blocks of your new society all carry the higher vibration.

New beginnings require new commitments. In restructuring your world into higher meaning, there is a requirement to move according to a different roadmap of experience. What do you wish to be the motivating factor in your journey? This might require some deep soul searching to clear yourself of illusions and false perceptions in order to discover the underlying motivations of your life. How does the manifestation of form find resonance on the evolving platform of experience? Is life living you or are you living it? Is all going to plan or have you veered off the planned trajectory and require a course correction?

All of these are but tweaking in the guidance system. You alone are responsible for the direction of your journey. While outside influences are certainly the atmosphere you have created for your reality, it is your choice as to how you experience it. It is all choices and perceptions. It is not just your attitude of viewing the glass half full or half empty. It is also your choice to drink and allow it to become part of your life. You are being asked to step forward and becoming intimately involved in the creation of life.

Your world is being formed in the image of your intentions. This requires that you become an active participant in the process. Without your conscious effort, the creation will be usurped by those perhaps less evolved. It behooves those who see and are part of the Light to step forward and take an active role in the creation process. Sitting this one out on the sidelines is no longer an option. Decision time as to whether you wish to join the groundswell of aspirants to the new reality.

Enough posturing. Choice can be either active or passive. Do you wish to let the choices of others become your own because you are not willing to step forward and direct the course of your own life? What is preventing you from becoming the captain of your own ship of reality? What fears are holding you back and impeding your progress? The gangplank is being pulled up. Are you fully on board or do you still have one foot on the dock? You know where this precarious position will lead you.

The choice one makes in favor of truth and integrity are paramount in the process of growth. No one continues to grow by choosing to follow the miss-directions of those less capable or inspired. Shrinking in fear of imagined consequences is not ennobling or inspirational. Times of change call to all to step up and become the embodiment of their highest vision. How do you wish to achieve the dreams of your future if you are unwilling to step aboard the moving vessel of change? The golden hour has arrived. All aboard.


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