Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Grief is the collective of many human emotions that allows one to process the events in life that shake the core of “reality”. In order to move past the impasse, one must be able to process input that makes sense of the situation in terms appropriate to their level of understanding. There are states that this may take in order to process the information in “logical” terms to achieve a level of acceptance of the situation.

One of the first steps in reconciliation is the process of anger. When one’s world is altered, it upsets what one believes to be true and introduces a new reality. If one is unwilling to change one’s perceptions, one may be angered at being asked to alter these perceptions. Inherent in the response is the sense of loss that one feels of being deprived of the object of their attachment. It is a severing of ties of attachment that causes one to experience the feelings of separation and anger. Perhaps we feel that we had more to share or experience with the object of our attachment. Perhaps we wish that we could have done more to rectify the situation and heal past wounds. Perhaps we are wanting to fulfill unrealized fantasies with the individual or object of our attachment.

When something is wonderful, there is always the desire to prolong the experience in perpetuity. If the experience is less than perfect, there is always the desire to realize the higher experience that we visualize. When we are forced to face the reality that we are the master of our own feelings, emotions and interactions, we are in fact angry with ourselves that we may have squandered opportunities for Loving experiences that were unfulfilled. Perhaps that is the source of our grief – we wish we could have been more forthcoming in our interaction with others who mean so much to us in our lives. The misplaced anger of “fate” dealing us a cruel blow helps the ego come to terms with our failure to be our most Loving, generous, and caring selves in our dealings with others.

Following anger at ourselves and others as we attempt to place “blame” for an undesirable situation, we eventually reach a plateau of acceptance. Growth can be measured by our willingness to move past the situations in our life and to realize the underlying lessons our soul is trying to teach us. How has this situation that has shaken our very roots of belief and existence brought us closer to the higher understanding we require for our growth and understanding? What is preventing us from moving forward and using these painful lessons to bring us more in harmony with our divine purpose? How can we grow through the experience and take up the torch of light the object of our grief was carrying? How is this empowering us to be a higher reflection of our divine self longing for growth and understanding?

In every “tragedy” there is the possibility for illumination. We are called into greater awareness through the events in our lives that shake us loose from the moorings of complacency. We may grieve for the things that made us feel “safe” but they were in fact anchors that prevented our growth into higher awareness. How can we use the lessons of Love made manifest in the field of human interaction to lead us out of the darkness and into the Light?

In every “tragedy” there is the opportunity for moving into Loving awareness. How can you use the gifts of the other to enrich your life and pass these on? What can you salvage from the ashes that honors the memory of those grieved for and help them to live forever in the hearts of those they Loved?

We are all a legacy of Love to those of our association. What Loving memories do you wish to carry forward to those with whom you share this intimate bond? Be willing to bury the grief that would consume you and instead share the Loving memories of those who have passed. In such you honor them as well as yourselves for you are carrying the torch they have passed in Love. This is the fulfillment of their Loving experience and yours.


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