Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The veils that separate dimensions are becoming thinner and more transparent. No longer are those on the cusp of transformation oblivious of the world around them and the possibilities that are theirs to grasp. It is a morphing that is taking place in the present that is allowing the experience of two different planes of existence to overlap and run together in an impressionistic blending of time and space with blurred edges.
The reason so many are having trouble in adjusting to the new world forming in and around them is that there are no distinct forms. If the things you believed to be dependable suddenly began to dissolve and lack the solidity you had begun to rely on, it would feel that you were also becoming amorphous as well. As forms and shapes loose their rigidity, there is the possibility for reshaping them into new structures that carry the nucleus of past realities but are reworked into the higher energetic template necessary to support forms in the new earth that is being born. Rather than a new society vanishing, only to be replaced with untried and unproven structures and dimensions, your world is being rebuilt from the protoplasm of the present, melded together in new forms of association.

When there is less rigidity in a form and the edges become more malleable, there is a greater possibility for corresponding parts to bond together and form new bridges of association. This goes for the alliances of people as well as other types of material expression. The more we relax the boundaries that keep us apart from others, the easier it will become to create the bonds that are the basis for a society based upon Loving awareness. The more one sees the areas in common between one and another, the more these bonds become solidified in intentional associations that serve each other and beyond. It will be through the bonding together of disparate pieces that new societies will be reborn into ones of strength and integrity.

As to what will remain and what will be carried forth into the new earth…we might suggest that only the things that support new paradigm of unconditional Love will be “safe”. To build an edifice on the shifting sand of illusions of avarice and greed is like building a palace near the ocean in a depression protected by the illusion of safety. Sooner or later the storms of life will breach the moat.

The waves of challenge are everywhere. The only “safety” one has is finding the high ground of truth and integrity. Those that hear the higher calling will find an alliance there on which to reform a new earth. It is a restructuring of the building blocks of societies that is not dissimilar to the microscopic view of cells migrating in a sea of protoplasm and joining with others in new patterns of association.

As to how this might take form in the field of present…we might suggest an openness to all possibilities being brought to the surface. There will be those that energetically have more attraction and those that seem worn out. Individual choices that anchor one to the higher realms will attract others with a similar bent. Communities are being formed around the globe that reflect the inspiration and vision of those who hear a higher voice. Those who are unwilling and unable to make this leap of faith will not be drawn to this association.

It is as if the components of life are being shaken in a jar – the lighter elements are rising to the surface and the denser elements are sinking to the bottom. Where are you being drawn and what do you need to release in order to make the transition. Only the upwardly mobile will be able to spill over the dam. Are you willing to remain immobilized or hung in suspension by the fears and trepidations that are preventing this surge forward or are you ready to go with the flow?


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