Monday, March 7, 2011


As you move through the fog of self-illusion, you are finding that things that have a specter of Truth surrounding them always seem in stark contrast to those that do not measure up to that standard of validity. Instinctively you Know what is the right path, even though it may be more challenging. It is that old nemesis fear that helps delude us into taking the easier route and preventing us from becoming our fully-realized selves.
Given that knowledge, what in your life is calling you to step forward out of the realm of the known and to venture forward into the brilliance of self-expansion? How might you move beyond your comfort zone and increase your sphere of influence as well as knowledge base? Where is your soul nudging you to go in order to find self-fulfillment? It just might be time to make an adjustment in direction.

Things that seem easy are usually those with lessons you have already mastered. Frequently it is in mastery that we become complacent and close our sight to opportunities to reach higher beyond the scope of the tried and true. It is in our willingness to move beyond these known borders that we achieve the truer, deeper meaning of our quest for self-mastery.

When times are challenging and the routes uncertain, it is time to look to alternate sources of direction. If you “always” follow the advice of “A” and this has brought you as far as you can go on this path, then perhaps it behooves you to recalibrate your guidance system to a different setting. What might a new heading do to inspire growth and awareness in different ways? It is easy to keep retracing our steps until we find that we are slowly digging deeper into our rut of complacency. As the old adage goes, time to shake it off and step up to the new challenges in life.

Upon emerging from the pit of self-confinement you will begin to see possibilities with new eyes. Things that seemed far away in terms of attainability have suddenly moved closer in perspective. It is as if the veil of unattainability has been lifted and you are being given keys to the kingdom of achievement. What new goal and adventures now seem within your grasp and enticing? Given the freedom to move into unfettered directions, how might you rechart the course into higher passages?

You are being given a clean slate to begin a new venture. How do you intend to reclaim your sovereignty today and become the fully realized vision of your own divinity? This is the possibility of rebirth. It is taking place not in the physical, but in the awakening of the spirit within to emerge from the cocoon of self-confinement. All are being called to remove the chrysalis and to find new meaning and purpose in life and to redirect the course of their journey.

The time for marking time has past and the movement forward has begun. How do you intend to direct the course of your life in order to weave seamlessly through the crowd of souls searching for their own direction and to find ways of bring the sheep back into the fold together. Those who have the higher vision will be able to help guide others forward and are moving to the forefront. Self-realization is upon you if only you will believe and accept your mantle of empowerment. Ask not what others can do for you for you are the master of your own destiny. The mantle has been passed and you are being called forth into greatness.

Those that do not feel worthy of the task have stepped backwards. Your consistent forward motion is placing you into a position of leadership. Lead on where others are not willing to go for it would seem that you have the clarity and wisdom to make it so. Leaders by default are those who refuse to give up when faced with the challenges in life. In such, the meek will indeed inherit the earth for they have stared into the eyes of fear and have not blinked. How steadfast are you in your pursuit of excellence and wisdom? While others may drop away, it is those who follow a brighter light of inspiration who are being led and leading others out of the fog of illusion. Carry on…


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