Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mastering the Course

In the course of human events there are times when it is apparent that things are not working the way we would like them to be. When you come to this realization, it is time to take stock of the given and redirect your energies in ways to produce an alternate reality. Are there any among you who believe that your present reality reflects the divine image of perfection? If not, what is missing from this blueprint that would better demonstrate an adherence to the higher vision?
Revisioning one’s life journey is a never-ending process of “tweaking” until perfection is achieved. What is required is a willingness to step outside the ego and see oneself in a clear, objective way. All are works in progress and it is through the eye of the master sculptor, the soul, that we begin to refine our personae into a truer image of that perfect model.

That said, we would like to offer a few suggestions on the things that cause the most turmoil and therefore might be addressed now…It is in the school of our relationships with others that we frequently have the most strife. The ego is a stern task master and when it feels threatened or unvalued it is likely to inflate its importance in self defense. What is not realized is that this is merely a distorted mirror that is showing us a false image of our own reality. When one is self-actuated and realizes the true importance and worth of their individual talents and abilities, one is unlikely to fall for the false images that the other is holding up as truth. You will Know who and what you are and no false visions to the contrary can dissuade you that this is not so. As the saying goes,” what you think of me is none of my business”.

Another pitfall of those on the road to enlightenment is falling into the role of rescuer at the expense of one’s own growth. When you take on the Karmic lessons of another, you prevent them from experiencing what they came here to learn. You might better assist them in seeing through the smoke and mirrors surrounding the situation and how they might extricate themselves from their folly. This is the truly most Loving response to the pain of others though it may go unappreciated at the time.

Becoming your own master is something that is a continual journey of experience. Just when you think you have figured out the path, roadblocks appear which will take you in new directions. How much easier will be your experience when you learn to free flow with the tide without resistance to the course your soul is piloting? The rapids are there for your coursework in the mastery of the lessons life. As you become confidant and self-aware you are able to respond appropriately when challenged. How much easier it is to approach a rough spot when you have mastered the course through many trials and errors and know how to lean into the wind and find equilibrium. These are journeys you have taken in many lifetimes and few will repeat the lessons again and again without making the correction that allows circumventing the snags and finding the smoother path of experience.

Those who are new to the journey will undoubtedly get sucked up in the currents and struggle violently until they realize the futility of their efforts and look to you for wisdom and direction. Those that have mastered the course are here to act as guideposts and coaches that help their fellow sojourners to extricate themselves from the quagmire of fear and move forward together. This is a group effort and many are being tumbled about in the tumultuous waters. Your challenge is to offer a hand up without being sucked under yourself. You must put on the oxygen mask yourself before attending to the needs of those around you.

The stronger and more clear the visionary, the better will be the service they are able to provide their fellow travelers. Become the Light in the darkness and you will never walk alone because others will see the radiance and be drawn to your side. Times are calling for those that possess the inner Light of awareness to shine brightly so that others can see and follow. It is time…


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