Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Self Knowledge

In deciding what is real and what is illusion, it is helpful to develop a compendium of self- knowledge in order to define what is True for you. Things that you have tested through experience have been imprinted and categorized in your subconscious mind so that you recognize them as True or illusionary and are able to discern the path to follow in order not to repeat past “mistakes”. We use that term to define lessons in learning that were difficult but life altering. If there is no right or wrong but only choices that we make to increase our understanding and awareness, then our “mistakes” are frequently our greatest teachers and those that lead us onto paths of greater awareness.

So how do you go about charting a course when many avenues have road signs of awareness, thanks to past experiences? We might suggest that it is better to continue on a path of indecision rather than take an avenue you have traversed before that lead to painful results. While pain is frequently interspersed with fleeting moments of Joy, it is often the painful parts that we forget in our search for perpetual Joy. Perhaps we all have a bit of insanity that causes us to repeat experiences, hoping for different results. Or perhaps we keep retracing our steps looking for a different route to understanding so that we can release the lesson and move on.

Self-knowledge is a by-product when we are able to step back and view our actions in a more detached, introspectful way. Without an honest appraisal of who we are and what motivates us, it is difficult to sense the voids in our personality and experience that are calling forth our attention. If the unexamined life is not worth living, doesn’t it make sense that this is where one might begin in order to attain fulfillment and self-knowledge? By stripping away all pretenses and wants and desires of the ego, one is able to remove the makeup and begin to see ourselves in our entirety, warts and all. One can either decide to embrace one’s “imperfections” and turn them into our unique assets or resolve to alter and transform them into something that represents the new you in creation.

Perhaps you have taken an objective, honest look at the self you are projecting to the world and realizing characteristics and features that are not representative of the personae you wish to portray…Perhaps you have noted the actions and reactions of those around you and see that you are not projecting the truth of your own being in a clear, respectful way…Perhaps it is time to rework not only the image you project to others but the underlying character that is shining through the holes in the mask.

In going about a remodel of an outworn structure, it is important to remove the surface blemishes that prevent an effective adhesion of the new. Time to heal old wounds and repair fences in honesty and integrity with those you have “wronged” (intentionally or not) in the past. Only then will you be free of the underlying infection that lurks beneath the surface and threatens to burst forth through the façade of the new. It is important to examine how and where you wish to begin the remodel of your life experience. What color and texture best reflects the new you that is emerging from the crystalis of the old? Will this be a complete redo or merely a cosmetic change that will suffice until there is a commitment to a major overhaul? How far are you willing to go to alter not only the direction but the purpose of your life? What do you need in the way of resources to affect the change and to move forward?

Mindfulness and self-honesty are the crucial parts of self-assessment and self-knowledge. You may wish to take time alone to journal, meditate, and contemplate the present and how it is calling to you in new ways. After the realistic assessment of present conditions, it is also helpful to determine where you wish to be in the future. By creating intentions you open the doorway to manifestation and put forces into motion.

This is the threshold of a new paradigm of experience. You are being called to begin the creation of the experience through your intentions, determination, and actions. The seeds you plant today will bear fruit in the new generation of your creation. All is being held to a higher standard and vision than have served in past incarnations. It is through your self-knowledge and self-determination that you will Know the purpose and the path that will take you there. Time to go within and to envision not only who you are but who you wish to be in the new reality. It is time…


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