Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Showing Up

The ranks of souls who have signed up for the earth school of growth and understanding are filled with many who have agreed to be on this pivotal voyage of transformation. While many have yet to realize their fullest potential for enlightenment, all are motivated to try to overcome the hang-ups that have kept them grounded in the third-dimensional experience. This is a time of great possibilities and few are unaware that this is a chance to step out of the quicksand and ascend into an environment of much Love and harmony.

This transition is not without its rites of passage. While some may choose to shed their physical form and be born into the bodies of Light they know themselves to be, there are others who have chosen to ride this vessel into calmer, brighter waters, despite the storms ahead. It is a rebirth of some magnitude that is taking place and you are all a part of it.

Chaotic times call for visionaries and leaders who are not afraid of the challenges. The weary and fearful will not find this an easy passage and many will choose to watch from the sidelines. It is a time of reassessment of priorities and of discernment. Each is evaluating what has been accomplished and what is yet to do. What visions do you have for this lifetime and how do you intend to show up in your life and that of others in order to complete this mission? What is preventing or hampering your efforts and how can you mitigate the circumstances in order to achieve the desired goal?

The meek may inherit the earth but it is the bold and committed that will be able to step forward and ascend to the next dimension of reality. When we say bold, we do not necessarily mean confrontational. There are those who in silent wisdom have chosen to move higher in their awareness, despite what may seem to be taking place around them. These are the pillars upon which the new societies will be built. They bear silent witness and help ground the energy into bedrock of form that will give stability and purpose to the new earth. They are unwavering in their Love and devotion to their higher wisdom and unshakable in the faith that what they are doing is in the highest good for all concerned, no matter what outward appearances may be shouting.

Others will choose to take a more cautious journey. Some will hold back waiting for others to test the ice before stepping out onto the forming flow. Their sense of Knowing may not be as highly developed and they may still require the assurance that they will not be isolated in their experience but that this is a group journey and they will have plenty of company on the route. There is a safety in numbers and they are looking for a quorum to hear the call and step forward into the fray together.

In the back are the fearful and reticent. They have not developed the trust in themselves and others to step forward readily. Something is blocking their acceptance of the new reality and they are unable to let go of the guardrails and free-flow into the unknown. Some part of them may be pushing forward and glimpsing possibilities of wonder but for some reason they do not believe this is a possibility for them or that they are worthy of the experience. Perhaps they need the vision and encouragement of others who see more clearly through the fog of understanding and can help guide them to greater clarity. Perhaps their fears and illusions will keep them trapped in the anchor of their own creation and they will choose to stay behind for now.

While this is indeed a group effort, it is up to the leaders and visionaries to blaze the trail for others to follow. Is it ever so, but there are those who will drop to the sidelines as well. This is a culling and boot camp for those who are readying themselves for greater things. The provisions are being assembled in the form of knowledge and understanding for this is the only carry-on baggage that is allowed. You will Know when it is time for departure. Queues are forming and passenger lists checked. How do you choose to show up in this life and the next? What do you Know to be True and what is merely illusion fueled by fear? The shakedown cruises are taking place and you are seeing how you fit into this larger picture. While the manifest is still incomplete, this is the maiden voyage into the new reality. How will you choose to show up in this life and the next? All aboard…


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