Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Conscious Communication

The resonance of one person to another is largely a matter of matching the vibrational frequency. If one person is vibrating at an octave that is far greater than the other, there will be a difficulty in finding common ground upon which to find harmony. Now this is not to say that they will be unable to communicate, however it will be more difficult to find areas of agreement. The one with the lower vibratory level will simply be incapable of grasping the concepts that the other sees as a given.

This is much of what is going on in your world today. There are those that have achieved a relatively high level of spiritual awareness and those that this is not even on their radar screen yet. While we are not saying that one should give up trying to plant seeds, it will be necessary to find areas of commonality for discussion before any significant interchange can take place. This is what meaningful communication is all about. It is sharing a level of understanding in which one imparts their perspective and knowledge to the other. In turn, the other can exchange their own thoughts and insights. In such both are enriched by the experience and understanding is facilitated.

Without a common frame of reference, there will not be the framework upon which to build a consensus. It would be as if they were speaking different languages, not understood by the other. Much that is taking place between participants in the earth school is falling on deaf ears. Either there is a gulf that separates the participants that is not being received due to lack of basic understanding or the door is being closed before the dialogue begins due to preconceived notions of disharmony. How might you alter your understanding to create more effective communication with those around you?

First we might suggest that you take time to set the stage upon which the dialogue is to take place. When one knows that the other shares similar background, interests or other areas of commonality, there is a predisposition to open to their views and understanding. The breaking down of barriers must take place before one is able to take in what is being exchanged.

Secondly, there must be openness and a willingness to suspend judgment temporarily and to allow the other to share what is in their heart. While it is not necessary to agree in whole or in part with the communication, by allowing the other to lay forth what they believe to be True without judgment or disparagement it allows the free flow of information to unfold.

Being an attentive, nonjudgmental listener is an advanced skill of communication that opens many doors for understanding. Frequently listeners are less concerned with receiving the information that is being shared and more with preparing their response. It is easy to miss subtle nuances that help discern the hidden meaning behind the words when one is concentrating on one’s own reply to the message. Nothing will be more appreciated by a partner in communication than an attentive, thoughtful listener. When one feels heard, one is more likely to hear as well because they are looking for feedback and validation or challenge to their perceptions.

Meaningful dialogue results when two or more can come together in realization of the Truth of the other, whether or not they agree with the interpretation. Real understanding is a byproduct of expressed views and a willingness to hear the other out before passing judgment on the validity of their message. In such the obstacles to understanding are dissolved and the lesser is given a hand up on the vibrational scale.

Difficult times call for those at the higher vibrational levels to make a greater effort in order to bridge the gulf that is preventing awareness. You may not feel that you have all of the answers, but at least you are able to listen to the concerns of those around you. Just your willingness to be a thoughtful listener opens many doors. You do not have to agree or condone what is being said – only listen. Once the other sees that you are honoring them with your attention, they begin to put down their defenses and open their eyes and ears to new possibilities.

Without meaningful dialogue, there is little hope for removing the barriers that prevent all from rising to a higher vibrational threshold. You can help facilitate the shift into higher consciousness through your communications with others in your world. Do not be too quick to dismiss those who seem on an entirely different energetic frequency for they may be looking for a hand up in the area of understanding to grasp. It may only take a toehold for them to begin to facilitate their higher growth and you may be the inspiration to make the climb. By staying in your Truth and finding Loving ways of encouraging them to increase their own divine template, you do more to elevate the collective than becoming a “hero” in wars of the flesh.

Consider how you show up in lives of others, especially those who are the most challenging, and you will see where you fit in the unfolding mosaic of experience. Well done…


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